Community Property Flashcards
What is the basic rule regarding property acquired during marriage in California?
Property acquired during marriage is presumptively CP. Property acquired before, during separation, or after dissolution of marriage, and property acquired by gift, will, or inheritance is presumptively SP
Example: A car purchased during marriage is considered community property unless it was a gift to one spouse.
What is Quasi-CP (QCP) and how is it treated in California?
Quasi-CP (QCP) is property acquired by either spouse that would have been CP had the spouse been domiciled in California at the time of acquisition; it is treated like CP
What is the Married woman’s special presumption regarding property acquired in the wife’s name before 1/1/1975?
If property taken in wife’s name alone before 1/1/1975, presume SP (as gift)
Exception: Intent other than a gift is shown or where the wife controlled how title was taken
What are the prerequisites for the application of CP in California?
Prerequisite to application of CP: Valid marriage? Legal capacity, over 18 + performance of legal procedures
Example: If a couple followed the rules in another state, the marriage will be recognized in CA as valid marriage
What is Quasi-marital property (QMP) and how is it treated in California?
Quasi-marital property (QMP) can be divided. QMP is property that would have been CP or QCP had the union been a valid marriage
What are the duties of the managing spouse in California regarding property management?
Duties of managing spouse: Each spouse has exclusive management of own SP and equal management of all CP
Fiduciary duty of trust and confidence
What is the general rule for the characterization of property in California as CP or SP?
Characterization of property (CP/SP) – depends on 1) source of asset, 2) presumptions, 3) parties’ actions
Tracing back to the source of asset funds is crucial in determining whether it is community property or separate property.
What are the CP presumptions in California and how can they be rebutted?
CP PRESUMPTIONS – Do basic CP presumptions apply? May rebut any CP presumption by showing SP source, SP character of asset (gift, etc.), or agreement of SP
What is the significance of a premarital agreement (PMA) in California regarding property characterization?
Premarital agreement (PMA): Agreeing before marriage character of a spouse’s earnings (typically what will be SP)
Starting 1985, statute of frauds: PMA must be in writing, but oral PMA is enforceable if fully executed or detrimental reliance by promisee.
Premarital agreement (PMA)
Agreeing before marriage character of a spouse’s earnings (typically what will be SP)
Starting 1985, statute of frauds: PMA must be in writing, but oral PMA is enforceable if fully executed or detrimental reliance by promisee. 1986–2002: PMA must be voluntary. Starting 2002: It shall be deemed that PMA was not executed voluntarily unless the party against whom enforcement is sought: 1) had independent counsel or waived counsel in writing, 2) had at least 7 days to review the PMA, and 3) was fully advised in writing of all the rights and obligations that attach to PMA
Agreeing during marriage to change the character of a particular asset
Starting 1985: Any transmutation must be in writing, expressly declare a change in the ownership of property, and be consented to by the spouse whose interest is adversely affected, UNLESS… 1. Insubstantial value: Gift of tangible property between spouses 1) for personal use of recipient spouse + 2) not of substantial value (as measured against the lifestyle of the parties) 2. Intent: Recipient spouse can otherwise offer proof of intent that the gift be SP
Personal injury award against third-party tortfeasor
CP if the cause of action arose during the marriage
At divorce, payments are treated as SP, unless economic hardship to other spouse or comingled. If recovered against other spouse tortfeasor: always SP of injured spouse
SP business
If community labor (either spouse) improves value of a SP business, CP can share in increased value
Pereira accounting method (reas rate of return) where improvement is from labor or special skills of spouse 1. Original SP investment + reas rate (10%) per year to owner spouse is SP. Rest is CP (½ to owner) Van Camp accounting method where improvement is from market forces or unique character of business 1. Reasonable salary compensation – community expenses paid from business earnings = CP 2. Remainder of the business = owner’s SP
Business goodwill (CP business)
Earned during marriage is CP. Valuation methods: Market sales valuation: Price the goodwill would command in a sale of the business Capitalization of past excess earnings: Does not contemplate a sale. Ascertains the present value of the future stream of income that the goodwill developed during the marriage will generate in the business
Credit acquisition
Presumptively CP when credit or purchase money loans used to purchase property, UNLESS… Lender’s intent test: Creditor relied primarily on SP when extending credit. If there is SP collateral to repay loan, asset likely SP. If lender looks at any CP asset, including credit or earnings of either party, asset is CP