Community Property Flashcards
Community Property General Presumption
CA is a CP state, in a CP state, the marital economy begins at marriage and ends at divorce, death of a spouse or permanent separation. All property, debt, and income acquired during a marriage is presumed CP. Any property acquired before marriage, after divorce or permanent separation is presumed SP. Any property acquired by gift or inheritance during marriage is presumed SP.
Quasi-Community Property (presumption)
QCP is property acquired by either spouse while living in a non-CP state that would have been CP had the spouses been domiciled in CA at the time of acquisition. At divorce or death, QCP is treated as thought it were CP.
Illusory Transfer of QCP
Married Woman’s Special Presumption
before 1/1/75 only that husband has management and control over CP, so property titled in the name of W or the W and third party is presumed as her SP.
End of the economic Community
divorce, death or permanent separation
Putative Spouse
one who believed in good faith that a void or voidable marriage was valid. Property acquired before notice of the invalid marriage that would be CP or QCP is treated as quasi-marital property and divided as CP or QCP.
Unmarried Cohabitants
CP does not apply; apply contract principles (express or implied)
Fiduciary Duties of Spouses
a spouse owes a fiduciary duty to disclose, account for and obtain consent from the other spouse in the management and control of CP; remedies for breach include injunctive relief (TRO) pending divorce, the right to accounting, adding a name onto title, getting a greater share of CP and payment of attonery’s fees.
Equal Rights of Spouses to Manage Property & Transfers to Third Parties
Jointly Titled Property & Anti-Lucas Statute
Jointly titled property acquired during marriage is presumed to be community property upon divorce.
Personal Injury Awards & Settlements
injury before marriage: tort recovery is SP; the injured spouse must reimburse the community if CP is used to pay any expenses attributable to the injury.
Injury During Marriage: tort recovery is CP; at divorce, at least 1/2 will be awarded to the injured spouse (more if not commingled with CP and justice requires)
Death: recovery is characterized as CO
Injury between spouses: recovery is SP of the injured spouse
Disability & Workers Comp/ Payments
Separate Property Business (Van camp & Pereira tests)
Goodwill of a business
the reputation and future earning potential of a CP business is a CP asset; valuation is calculated through market sales valuation or comparing the past excess earnings to typical peer businesses
life insurance
2 types:
Whole Life: community gets pro rata share based upon the number of CP premium payments; at death, CP gets 1/2 of the proceeds if SP did not contribute to premium payments
Term Life: at divorce there is no cash value but one court gave CP interest in renewal value when spouse became uninsurable; at death, the last premium paid determines the characterization.