Community Policing Flashcards
Community Policing
The Community Policing philosophy embodies a new organizational strategy that allows police departments to?
Decentralize Police
Reorient Police Patrol
Community Policing
Name Two Primary Components of Community Policing?
Community Partnerships
Problem Solving
Community Policing
The CPO also serves as the communities’ Ombudsman to other public and private agencies that offer help.
Community Policing
Community Policing’s introduction into American policing has been long, complicated process-it is rooted in?
Team Policing
Police Community Relations
Crime Prevention
Community Policing
The movement continues to suffer because some police departments claim to have community policing, but they?
Violate the spirit or the letter of what true community policing demands
Community Policing
List the Four Major Faucets of Community Policing?
Organizational and Personnel
Community Policing
What are the Goals of Community Policing that require Police Departments to develop new relationships with citizens?
- Expanding their role in the community
- Allowing ordinary citizens the power to set the police agenda
- Involving them in efforts to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood
Community Policing
CP dictates that police departments move from law enforcement or crime fighting as the PRIMARY FUNCTION. The police should have a broader function that also incorporates?
- Fear Reduction
- Order Maintenance
- Community Health
Community Policing
For police to have an impact on crime, they must first impact?
- Social conditions
- Public policy
Community Policing
Fear has a far greater debilitating effect on a community or individuals than do crime rates, the fear of crime results in?
- Persons becoming virtual prisoners in their own homes
- It inhibits commerce
- It imposes a subtle psychological cost to everyone
Community Policing
Community Policing attempts to get citizens involved by?
Encouraging two-way communication
Community Policing
“Concern for People” The Professional Model of policing was institutionalized in the early 1900’s. It dictated that police officers?
Remain aloof and detached from citizen-clients they served
Community Policing
In regards to the “Professional Model” administrators believed that police detachment from the citizens they served would lessen the possibility of?
- Police Corruption
- Police Intervention
Community Policing
The Profession Model resulted in?
Police departments and police officers having little concern or knowledge about community and neighborhood problems
Community Policing
What is the lifeblood of both Traditional and Community Policing?
Community Policing
“Mission Statement”
Giving the citizens the power to set the police agenda and developing citizen-based accountability of the police.
Community Policing
“The Strategic Faucet” Community Policing has as least 3 strategic dimensions or parameters… Name them
1 ). Geographic Focus & Ownership
2 ). Face to Face Contact
3 ). Prevention Focus
Community Policing
The optimal size of each beat can differ dramatically. The goal is to keep the area small enough to maintain?
Direct Contact
Community Policing
The MORE IMPORTANT PURPOSE of freeing the officer from the patrol car is?
To involve the officer in the life of the community
Community Policing
Walk or ride a horse,motor-scooter,or bike around the beat area. These modes of transportation make it easy to stop and chat.
Community Policing
Community Policing dictates that the police be?
Proactive rather than Reactive
Community Policing
“The Programmatic Facet” Community Policing is operationalized through?
- ) Reoriented Police Operations
- ) Problem-solving and situational crime prevention
- ) Community Engagement
Community Policing
Problem Solving Consists of the following 4 step process…
- Specific ID of the problem
- Careful analysis of the problem and its attributes
- ID of possible solutions
- Implementation of a solution
Community Policing
Situational Crime Prevention is a form of problem solving which comprises “opportunity reduction measures” that:
- Are directed at highly specific forms of crime
- Involve the management, design, or manipulation of the immediate environment in as systematic and permanent way as possible
- To increase the effort and risk of crime and reduce the rewards as perceived by a wide range of offenders
Community Policing
This infers that the police must depart from the professional model, and work with citizens and citizen groups?
Community Engagement
Community Policing
CP dictates that the community become involved in protecting itself. They can
- Form neighborhood watches or citizen patrols
- Report criminal or suspicious behavior
- Become involved in sports or educational activities for disadvantaged youth
- Volunteer services to police
Community Policing
Police-Community relations units were designed to ___________?
“Sell” the police department to citizens
Community Policing
Police-Community relations programs were seen as?
Vehicles to educate the public and lessen the strain between the police and citizens