Community Nutr Test 2 Flashcards
Food bill cont. crop subsidies
Was stopped in 2014 and replaced with crop insurance only for commodity crops
2 changes - illegal to promote any food programs
(Didn’t go over 2nd one
farm Bill
usda–> fns –> Farm bill
Comes up every 5 yrs for renewal. More about food insecurity in USA ie Wic, snap, tefap
Reauthorize - can make changes during this time. Decides how much $ but does not fund the program. Has to do with appropriations bill to determine how much $ they get
SNAP is the largest in the USA
Two kinds of food we grow in the USA
Commodities - wheat corn rice cotton sugar (all the same)
Speciality crops - fruits, veggies, nuts (can be different)
Collecting data
Should first share with stakeholders (or boss first)
Community needs assessment - see asset mapping
Stakeholders first to be informed
Key informants
Qualitative - peoples thoughts or opinions. Questions you can’t count ie demographic shifts, historical data, why questions
Quantitative data things you can count
Vital statistics
Geographical information system
Takes info and puts on map ie grocery stores in the USA
Economic research service.
Collects data about the way we eat in the USA
Fringe rate
Includes items such as social security, health ins, workman’s comp, unemployment, disability, life ins. Different rate for ft/pt
Indirect rate
Rent, cleaning bathrooms, parking lot snow removal, portions of hierarchy of employees (Hosp, public health has to be approved by dept of health and human services
Money pots
Federal or state
Peer counseling
The monies in these 3 pots can never cross each other
USDA did survey about why we eat the foods we eat. Included:
lifestyle factors ie physical activity, leisure, stress mgnt techniques, smoking status, drug & etoh use, single vs married
Individual factors - self efficacy - can make a change that will work
Environmental ie broad sense –> bad neighborhood
Living and working conditions
Accessibility, price/cost, storage, prep time, culture, age, educational level, other health issues, religion, knowledge, demographics, social environments, vanity
Knowledge about environment and what I do about it. Pg 71 the knowledge and awareness that people have of their environment and the judgement they make related to it.
An individual’s positive or negative evaluation of performing a behavior or engaging in an activity.
Neg/pos feelings about something
Ways to collect info
Health risk assessment hra
Screening focus groups
Interview with key informant
Systematic study of cross section of individuals who represent the target population
HRA health risk assessment - has 3 components
Questionnaire device
Scoring behavior
Education piece
These help people change their behavior
Done in public health and refer elsewhere ie 9 health fair if have elevated A1c will refer to PCP
Focus groups
These are popular. Usually have 5-12 people. Should be trained to do focus groups. Have to pay people to participate ie $50. PEOPLE LIE. Ie ford co about the Edsel..was worse car ever made
Interview with key informants
The people “in the know” about the community
Ways to assess a nutritional status A-D
A - anthropometric ht wt head circumference skin folds BMI
B- biochemical labs ie urine, glucose, WBC etc
C - clinical assessment look at someone and make subjective assessment
D- diet history method 24 hr recall, food frequency food records diet history
Sensitivity versus specificity Page 88
Sensitivity - ie bld test. Screening iron deficient low Hgb, has to be low to Dx iron deficiency. Proportion of subjects with disease that have a positive test. No false negatives.
Specificity - proportion of subjects without the disease that have a negative test. Do bld test for cholesterol and not a finger test.
Validity versus reliability
Validity is accuracy.
Reliability - ability to keep getting the same answer off the same sample. Same answer repeatedly
RD’s job
MD’s job
RD screens and refers
MD diagnose and treat
Program planning for success. (7 steps). Page 102
1) Review community needs assessment - study the problem
2) Define program goals (broad goals) & objectives (3 items)
3) develop a program plan
Design intervention
Design nutrition education component
Delelop the marketing plan
4) Develop a management system
5) Identity funding sources
6) Implement the program
7) Evaluate your program
Mission statement. Page 101
All organization must have this.
A broad statement or declaration of an organizations purpose or reason for being
2) Goals and objectives 3 basic objectives
Outcome objectives - changes that can be measured
Process objectives - what are we doing to achieve outcome objectives
Structure objectives - how we do business ie staffing to client ratio