Community health Nursing Flashcards
a group of people w/ common characteristics or interest living together w/n a territory or geographical boundary.
Medical approach concern to the health of the community population
Community health
To achieve optimum level of wellness or functioning
-health teaching
-health education
Utilization of nursing process promote health and prevent illness
Maintain the worth and dignity of a man
Margaret shetland
Philosophy of CHN
Holistic approach/ total wellbeing
Science and art of nursing in promoting health
Dr. CE Winslow
Collaboration/Multidisciplinary approach
Developmental services scope of CHN
- school health
- occupational health
- public health
Raise the health of the citizenry
- main goal of CHN
What is focus:
Health promotion
Illness Prevention
Who is the focus
Primary responsibility of community health nurse
Health education
Knowledgeable in all aspects
Should serve
“Family “
Basic unit of care
Should serve
Specific focus of care
Should serve
Client in general
Should serve
Point of entry
who is a health care provider, taking care of the sick people at home or in the RHU.
who aims towards health promo & illness prevention thru dissemination of correct info; educating people
Health educator
who establishes multi-sectoral linkages by referral system
who monitors & supervises the performance of midwives
Ensure access to basic public health services by all Filipino
Filipinos among the healthiest people in Asia by 2020
To lead the country in development of products, resilient and people centered health systems
To lead the country in development of products, resilient and people centered health systems
Filipinos among the healthiest people in Asia by 2020
Formula one for health
Gloria arroyo
Formula one plus for health(the first)
Ninoy Aquino
Universal healthcare
President duterte, Marcos jr
Universal healthcare act
RA 11223
RA 11223
Promote and protect the rights of all Filipinos to healthcare
Centered to people’s needs and wellbeing
-Local government code of 1991
- Devolution of local government
RA 7160
Process of checking the client’s health condition in the clinic
Clinic visit
Face to face contact/ interaction of healthcare provider with a patient or family
Home visit
Tool making use of public health bag through which the health care provider can perform procedures
Bag technique
Indispensable equipment
Of PHN carried along during home visit
Public health bag
Principles of bag technique
-Prevent transfers of infection
- Save time
How many times we open the CHN bag
3x we open the bag
Heat and acetic acid test
(-) Urine
No cloudiness
(+1) urine
Definite cloudiness
(+2) urine
Heavy and granular
(+3) urine
Dense cloudiness
(+4) urine
Thick curdy precipitate -egg white-
Cx- Protenuria
Protein for blood clotting
What test for Glucosuria
- glucose in the urine
Benedict’s test
What color in urine that’s Normal finding?
What color in urine that’s traces of sugar?
+1 green
What color in urine that’s normal for pregnant woman?
+2 yellow
What color in urine that’s moderate traces of sugar?
+3 Red orange
What color in urine that’s large amount of sugar?
+4 Brick red
Strategy to community health development
Primary health care
Alma ata Kazakhstan
Signed by Marcos, Sr
September 1978
Legal basis of primary health care
LOI 949
4 pillars of PHC
-intersectional linkages
-support mechanisms made available
-development of appropriate technology
-active community participation
2 types of primary health worker
-village/grass root
- intermediate level
Traditional alternative medicine acts
RA 8423