Community Health Flashcards
Health insurance for elderly and disabled (HINT: Medical-is only for ELDERLY)
Health insurance for the poor?
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act- offers insurance to workers when they no longer work?
Lump sum of money given to group to use their discretion to accomplish program goal?
Block grants
Specifies where monies are to be used?
Line item grant
Broad based statement of what changes will occur as a result of the program?
Specific statement that can be measured, the desired result of the program; based on the needs of the program?
Learner has incomplete or inaccurate information?
Correct information is obtained but lacks personal meaning?
Learner personalizes information?
Old ideas are discarded for new; leaner is motivated to act?
Learner tests new concepts based on perceived needs?
Leaner begins to experience gratification and self-satisfaction; behavior is modified?
The number of live births (think prenatal care)?
The rate of an illness in a population?
The number of deaths in a population?
The number of new cases in a population during a time period; conveys information abut the risk of contracting a disease?
The number of new and old cases of a disease in a given population in a given period of time; tells how wide spread the disease is?
An incidence rate calculated for a particular population for a single disease outbreak?
An outbreak of disease over a wide geographical area such as a continent
An unexpectedly large number of cases of disease in a particular time and place?
A disease that occurs regularly in a population as a matter of course; EXPECTED normal level of disease; predictable?
A group is observed over a long period of time?
Longitudinal Study
A cohort is classified by exposure to one or more specific risk factors observed into the future to determine the rate at which the disease develops?
Prospective Study
Case control study, seeks to compare those diagnosed with a disease with those who do not have the disease?
Retrospective Study
What examination method is, Complete containing mouth mirror, explorer, lighting, complete radiographs, study models and test?
Type 1
What examination method is, Limited exam including mouth mirror, explorer, lighting and limited radiographs?
Type 2
What examination method is, using mouth mirror and lighting only?
Type 3
What examination method is, with tongue depressor and lighting only?
Type 4
Each element of the population has an “equal chance” of being selected (reduces chances of bias) is?
Random sampling
Selecting an element according to certain “subgroups”? Example; identifying a school and selecting two from it
Stratified Sampling
Selecting the “nth” participant?
Systematic Sampling
Someone familiar with the population selects the sample; high chance of bias?
Judgment Sampling
Sample group is chosen based solely on “convenience”?
Convenience Sampling