Community Diagnosis: The Process Flashcards
The nurse decides on the depth and scope of the data needed to be gathered.
Decide which type of Community Diagnosis to conduct/employ: Comprehensive or Problem-Oriented.
Determining the Objectives
The nurse identifies the population group to be included in the study. It may include the entire population or focus on a specific population group
Defining the Study Population
The nurse decides on the sources of data, based on the type of community diagnosis (from records or from the people)
Determining the Data to be Collected
The nurse decides on the specific methods depending on the type of data to be generated.
Collecting the Data
The instruments or tools facilitate the nurse’s data-gathering activities.
Developing the Instrument
it is suggested that the nurse meet the people who will be involved in the data collection.
Actual Data Gathering
After data collection, the nurse is now ready to put together all the information.
Data Collation
two types of data
numeric data and descriptive data
numeric data can be __
descriptive data can be __
To facilitate data collation, the nurse must develop categories for classification of responses making sure that the categories are __ and __.
mutually exclusive and exhaustive
__ choices do not overlap
mutually exclusive
__ mean that they anticipate all possible answers that a respondent may give
exhaustive categories
__ will depend largely on the type of data obtained.
data presentation
__ are presented in narrative reports.
descriptive data
__ may be presented in table or graphs
numerical data
__ are useful in showing key information making it easier to show comparisons including patterns and trends
tables or graphs
aims to establish trends and patterns in terms of health needs and problems of the community. It also allows for comparison of obtained data with standard values.
Data Analysis
described in terms of increased/decreased morbidity, mortality, fertility or reduced capacity for wellness;
Health Status Problems
described in terms of lack of or absence of manpower, money, materials or institutions necessary to solve health problems;
Health Resources Problems
described in terms of existence of social, economic, environmental and political factors that aggravate the illness-inducing situations in the community.
Health-related Problems
After identifying the problems, the next task is to prioritize which health problems can be attended to considering the resources available at the moment.
The problems are classified as health status, health resources, or health-related problems
Nature of the Condition or Problem Presented
This refers to the severity of the problem which can be measured in terms of the proportion of the population affected by the problem
Magnitude of the Problem
This refers to the probability of reducing, controlling, or eradicating the problem
Modifiability of the Problem
This refers to the probability of controlling or reducing the effects posed by the problem
Preventive Potential
This refers to the perception of the population or the community as they are affected by the problem and their readiness to act on the problem
Social Concern