Community Characteristics & Natural Selection Flashcards
What’s an ecological community
Consists of populations of different species living together and interacting
Community characteristics
Biodiversity: species richness and diversity
Growth form and structure
Relative abundance of species
Trophic structure
What is the word for succession in community structure
What is succession
When ground that previously had live is destroyed by floods, fire etc. life returns.
The first colonisers alter the environment, allowing additional species to become established.
What is natural succession
The process by which an ecosystem forms in a lifeless terrestrial or aquatic system.
What’s primary succession
Ecosystem forms in previously barren terrain or water body.
What is secondary succession
Development of ecosystem after complete or partial destruction of previously existing communities
What are stages in the succession process known as
Seral stages
What alternative mechanisms are proposed to drive succession
Explain facilitation
Pioneer species modify environment (soil nutrients, moisture & OM) making it less suitable for themselves and favoring the establishment of new species
Explain tolerance
Earlier species neither d’avoir if inhibit the colonisation of later species, it’s just a question of who gets there first.
Explain inhibition
Competitive interactions between species will determine which species dominate at each successional stage.
What traits do the first species to colonize an area in succession have
Good dispersers (carried by wind, birds)
Have low nutrient requirements
Don’t need thick soil or substrate
Grow rapidly- need lots of sunlight for photosynthesis
Can tolerate exposed conditions
Pioneer and intermediate communities consist of
Low species diversity
Simple food webs: most biomass flows through grazer food chain.
Volatile populations
Describe the later colonisers in the succession process
Are slower disperses (carried by mammals)
Higher nutrient requirements
Can tolerate low sunlight and high shade