Community Flashcards
traditional policing utilized the three
Random Patrol
Rapid Response
Reactive Investigations
Traditional patrol was _________ to community needs
Traditional policing used to measure effectiveness using..
clearance rates
Clearance rate is ….
the percentage of cases where a crime has been committed and a suspect identified
Other ways to measure police performance include..(6)
- police success in developing community partnerships
- attitudes held towards police by residents/victims
- police ability to solve serious crime
- morale of front line
- senior police leadership
- success of officer or units achieving targets
Community policing is (3)
a philosophy, management style, and organizational strategy centred on police community partnerships and problem solving to address problems of crime and social disorder in communities
Coative refers to ___________ __________ partnerships that are developed within the community police framework
police community
Safer communities approach to crime prevention has four principle…they are
- The _________ is the focal point of effective crime prevention.
- The community must ___________ and respond to ________ and _______ _______ needs.
- ___________ ________ efforts should bring together a range of sectors.
- Strategies for ___________ crime should be ________ by the whole community.
- Community
- Identify/short and long term
- Crime prevention
- Preventing/supported
Tactical or direct patrol involves …
saturating high crime areas or targeting specific individuals involved in specific criminal behaviour
Crime prevention programs are classified into two groups.
__________ __________ prevention strategies which seek to reduce availability and attractiveness of opportunities and crime prevention through ___________ __________ which focuses on the root of the causes
situational crime
social development
Proactive targetting undertaken for three reasons
Achieve visibility
Pursue proactive policing
Provide rapid response
Primary prevention programs are the most common type of crime prevention initiative and are most directed towards_______ _______
property offences
Using information gathered to anticipate future demands on the police service and to identify the resources that will be required to meet these demands is called
The strategies and approaches in community policing are best viewed as an
expansion to police activities rather than a replacement of them
A key role in the planning process are environmental scans…they are studies that identify_________ _____ ______ ________ that may affect the demands that will be made upon the police
forces in the community (environment)
Best practices refers to those organizational administrative and operational strategies that have proven successful in _______ and ______ to crime and disorder.
Best practices are activities— implementing________ ________ ______ _______ ________ and or a practice that an organization does better than other organizations(5)
Benchmarking is a tool used to improve
____________ is a cornerstone of community policing
Training police recruits in community policing should be based on a number of factors
- Police should possess a sense of________ _______
- Police officer should have a sense of _________ and _______
- Police officers should be equipped with the skills and knowledge for incorporating ________ _________ into their work
social history
society and community
community policing
the __________ ____________ of police officers is a set of attitudinal and behavioural attributes that develop as a consequence of the unique role that police officers play and the duties they are asked to perform
working personality
Characteristics of the working personality of police include a pre occupation with ____________, ___________ _________ of people and their activities, a protective ________ and difficulties in exercising ___________
danger,excessive suspicion
cyniscysm authority
Developing police and community partners(9)
- Identify potential partners
- Develop understanding of neighbourhood
- Initiate dialogue
- Organize community meetings
- Iddentify issues
- Develop a plan
- Take Action
- Maintain the partnership
- Document activities
Types of community policing committees (3)
Multi functional
Key principles of the traditional model of policing include(3)
- please are professionals with sole responsibility of crime control
- objectives are legally defined and include responding to calls for criminal incidents
- role is to control crime through preventative patrol and rapid response
The traditional approach to policing is(4)
Incident oriented
Response oriented
Focused on a limited analysis
Focused on a means not an end
The crime rate can be misleading because it may indicate
The police are either doing a good job or a poor job
The three P’s of community policing are
Problem solving
Partnerships with the community
The principal policy and practice of community policing is(3)
Co active
Proactive targeted strategies rely on the use of patrol for apprehension deterrence and incapacitation of criminal offenders. Strategies include(5)
Cover patrol Repeat offender targeting Saturation patrol Road blocks Repeat complaint address policing
Tactical or direct control share four characteristics
- Patrol is based on thorough analysis of crime
- Officers use uncommitted time to engage in purposeful activity
- Officers have specific instructions directing their activities
- Officers are proactive and as a result may seem aggressive
Community service approaches focus on
Protecting aiding and mobilizing members of the community in dealing with crime disorder and the underlying factors
Rational choice theory focuses on
Decision-making of potential offenders. Offenders are considered to act rational and make decisions based on the information at hand about costs and benefits without thinking through alternative courses of action
Routine activities theory
Falls under rational choice theory because offenders are involved in and calculated assessment of crime opportunities, risks and rewards
The routine activities theory requires three elements to be present
A suitable target
A motivated offender
Absence of safeguards to protect victim or deter the offender
Crime prevention initiatives fall into three categories
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
The SARA model stands for
S-scanning-identifying problems
A-Analysis-determining the cause scope and effect of the problem
R-response-developing a plan to address and solve the problem
A-assessment-determining whether the response was effective
Secondary prevention programs
Focus on areas that produce crime and other types of disorder and seek to identify high-risk offenders often based on crime analysis
Tertiary prevention programs
I designed to deter incapacitate the ability of offenders the majority of these programs are within the justice system and do not involve police
Problem oriented policing involves taking a________ _________ to addressing the underlying causes of a particular problem as well as formulating a_______ _______ to resolve or alleviate that problem
Proactive approach
Response design
Problem oriented policing is a
More efficient approaches than traditional model
A problem is
A group or pattern of crime cases, calls for incidents that are of concern to the police the public or both and require a solution
Collaborative problem-solving involves the police and the community agreeing that a problem exists and what the
Dimensions of the problem are in formulating and implementing a strategy to address it
Responses to a problem may include actions stemming from arrest to(5)
Concentrating on individuals responsible(Target/ Direct patrol) Referral to other agency Conveying of information CPTED Mobilizing community
The expert approach involves outside person going to the location where the problem is occurring and
Identifying and analyzing the problem in developing solutions
Collaborative approaches emphasize shared responsibility between expert in the area or setting where problem exists the expert is used
To assist as a facilitator
The key component of Community policing is a concept of the police service as a
Learning organization
A learning organization is an organization that is continually
Expanding its capacity to create its future
Efforts designed to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of police services is known as the
Corporate model of policing
The business plan or strategic plan must be
Completed every three years
Address core business and functions
Must establish quantitative and qualitative performance objectives
Audits provide
A valuable barometer on the health of an organization
They should ensure police managers in oversight bodies that the agency is acting in a fiscally responsible way and conforming to provincial and legislative guidelines
Performance indicators are numerical measurements for each aspect of performance. Three types of performance indicators are
Condition/ demand indicators
Units of service
Effectiveness/ efficiency measures
Example of condition demand indicators are
Population served
Number of calls for service
Traffic accident status
Reported criminal victimization
Examples of units of service include
Number of police and civilian members
Number of police per population
Ratio of supervisors to police
Examples of effectiveness and efficiency measures include
Number of arrests
Clearance rates
Response times
The task for senior police is to create a climate for
Proactive problem solving not reactive
Research shows that officers with higher education(5)
More culturally sensitive Exhibit greater flexibility Generate fewer complaints Greater ability to process information Have better relations with the community
Employment equity is a practice of giving preference to a visible minority or member of a targeted group where
Two equally qualified candidates apply and one is the visible minority and the other a male Caucasian
Employment equity is different than affirmative action as affirmative action was government legislated…..
As a consequence attributed to the working personality of police officers view policing(5)
- as a way of life
- value secrecy and practice code of silence to protect others
- exhibit strong solidarity us versus them/ Blue wall
- tend to hold conservative moral and political views
- exhibit attitudes that emphasize high-risk action component of police work
Large body of research suggests police officers preferred law-enforcement roll over
Order maintenance role
Becoming a police officer involved two distinct socialization processes…. They are
Formal socialization-accomplished through the selection process and police training programs
In formal socialization-takes place as recruits interact with older more experienced officers and with their peers on the job
Many front line officers may resist the concept of community policing because(6)
Dis- trust in senior police leaders Fear of being marginalized Lack of time Performance evaluations Lack of training Absence of the patrol officer input into community strategies and plans
Restorative justice is an approach to problem-solving that involves the….(5)
Victim Offender Their social networks Justice agencies And the community
Primary objectives of restorative justice(5)
Address the needs of the victims of crime
Prevent reoffending by integrating offenders into the community
Enable offenders to acknowledge it and assume responsibility for the behavior
Create community of support and assistance for the victims and offenders and the long term interests of the community
Provide an alternative to the adversarial system
Victim offender mediation is a(3)
Restorative approach
Allows victim and offender to express feelings
Mediator used to resolve conflict and consequences
Four phases of mediation
- It takes a case on referral
- Preparation for mediation we’re mediator meet with victim and offender separately
- Mediation session
- Post session activities ensuring fulfillment of any agreements
Circle sentencing is premised on traditional aboriginal healing practices I’ll participants sit facing each other in a circle and the discussion is designed to reach consensus it is a process of (3)
Fundamental principle as the sentence is less important than
The process used to select it
For police circle sentencing provides two important opportunities
- To participate in a community based approach to addressing crime and disorder
- Shift from a reactive mode to a collective problem-solving one
Restorative justice principles of the YCJA…. Extrajudicial measures(5)
Take no further action Warn Young person Administer caution Refer you to program Refer used to extrajudicial sanction
Assessing a effectiveness of restorative justice can be difficult as there are a few evaluations however research has shown that restorative justice approaches are a more effective method of(3)
Improving victim offender reconciliation,increase offender compliance in restitution
The dynamics of community justice have a number of critical issues including(4)
General health of community
Circumstances where there’s a hierarchy within the community which affects consensusbuilding
Need to protect legal rights of offenders
Police role can be primarily organizing and facilitating
And community policing Community is
Public opinion and field research shows(5)
Most have positive perception of police
In general community prefer proactive not reactive policing
Strong support for increased visibility
Foot patrol is favored
Community police station if you positively
p3”s public private partnerships Ontario ‘s mobilization and engagement model of community policing has four areas
Enforcement and crime suppression
Community mobilization and crime prevention
Community safety and consultation
Community engagement and liaison
The community problem-solving planning model has four phases
Phase 1-identifying and describing community problem
Phase 2-develop an action plan
Phase 3-carry out action plan
Face 4-Monitor and evaluate
Developing a community profile have to determine…
The needs concerns and perceptions of the community
Community surveys are
A cost-effective way to get information to improve service
Often done by phone or mail
Focus groups are(3)
Cost effective way to obtain information from various groups of citizens
Bring together individuals who share common attributes
Gathers information on experiences perceptions and observations
Public forms or town hall meetings can
Raise the profile of public concern
Consultant committees
Advises police with the focus on gathering info and requires minimal structure
Multifunctional committees
Extend beyond providing advice and recommendations
Partner with police to identify areas of concern and develop responses
Broad sec. of community
Usually have an executive
Interagency committees
Composed of police and other agencies
Broad mandate of community and social issues
Most complex of committees
Formal operating structure
Often incorporated or nonprofit
Broad mandate of community and social issues