Communications 2 Flashcards
exceed (verb)
to go beyond
accede (verb)
to agree, to accept
accept (verb)
to receive willingly
except (preposition)
other than
access (noun)
excess (adjective)
adapt (verb)
to adjust
adept (adjective)
Used as adept at
adopt (verb)
to choose as one’s own
advice (noun)
suggestion, recommendation
advise (verb)
to suggest, to recommend
affect (verb)
to produce an effect, to influence
effect (noun)
result, outcome
aggravate (verb)
to make a bad situation worse
irritate (verb)
to annoy, to vex
all ready (adjective)
fully prepared
already (adverb)
all right (adjective)
satisfactory, well
all right (adverb)
well enough, very well
alright : incorrect, use “all right”
don’t use
all together : incorrect use “together”
altogether (adverb)
completely, wholly
allude (verb)
to hint, to mention indirectly
elude (verb)
to evade, to escape
among ( preposition)
used to indicate three or more
between (preposition)
used to indicate two
amount (noun)
designates a quantity that is the whole
number (noun)
designates a quantity divisible into units
anxious (adjective)
apprehensive, uneasy
eager (adjective)
marked by enthusiasm or impatience
any way ( noun)
a possible way to do something
anyway (adverb)
in any case, in any event
adverse (adjective)
unfavorable, opposite, hostile
averse (adjective)
used as averse to
feeling of repugnance, abhorrence
bad (adjective)
unfavorable, severe, spoiled, disobedient
badly (adverb)
poorly, disagreeably
born (verb)
to be brought into existence by birth
borne (verb)
past participle of to bear
capital (noun)
assets calculated to produce income
capitol (noun)
place where a legislative body meets
cite (verb)
to quote as authority, to name
sight (noun)
site (noun)
composed [of] (participle adjective)
made up of
divided [into] (participle adjective)
comprise (verb)
to include
constitute (verb)
to establish, to make (create)
conscience (noun)
internal distinction between right and wrong
conscious (adjective)
alert, aware
council (noun)
an official group
counsel (verb)
to advise
counsel (noun)
advice or advisor, attorney
credible (adjective)
believable, trustworthy
creditable (adjective)
worthy of praise
credulous (adjective)
willing to take at face value, gullible
currently (adverb)
at this time
presently (adverb)
in the very near future
delusion (noun)
false belief about the self or about other people or things
illusion (noun)
misleading image
device (noun)
object, vehicle
devise (verb)
to give, as in a will or other testamentary document
disinterested (adjective)
impartial, unbiased
uninterested (adjective)
lack of curiosity, not interested
eminent (adjective)
prominent in reference to a person
imminent (adjective)
about to occur, threatening
expect (verb)
to look forward to
suspect (verb)
to think probable or likely
farther (adverb)
further (adverb)
time, quantity
fewer (adjective)
reduced number
less (adjective)
reduced extent or degree
foreword (noun)
prefatory comments to a book, not by the author
forward (adverb)
progressively toward the front, ahead
good (adjective)
suitable, satisfactory
well (adjective)
healthy, desirable
well (adverb)
suitably, satisfactorily
imply (verb)
to suggest, to hint
infer (verb)
to deduce, to draw a conclusion
incredible (adjective)
incredulous (adjective)
unwilling to take at face value, skeptical
it’s (contraction)
it is
its (possessive pronoun)
belonging to it (a place or thing)
later (adverb)
at a subsequent time
latter (adjective)
near the end, the last mentioned of the two
lay, laying, laid, laid (verb)
to place a person or an object
- this verb requires a direct object
lie, lying, lay, lain (verb)
to be in or to take a recline position
- this verb does not use a direct object
lend (verb)
to relinquish temporarily
loan (noun)
a thing given for the borrower’s temporary use
liable (adjective)
responsible or legally bound
libel (noun)
defamatory statement in written form
may be (verb phrase)
might come to pass
maybe (adverb)
perhaps, possibly
nauseated (adjective)
affected by nausea (stomach distress)
nauseous (adjective)
causing nausea
passed (verb)
past participle of “to pass”
past (noun or preposition)
previous time, beyond
percent (noun)
use with a specific number
percentage (noun)
use when no specific number is stated
precede (verb)
to be, go, or come ahead or in front of
proceed (verb)
to go forward, to continue
principal (adjective or noun)
primary, leader of
principle (noun)
sit (verb)
to rest on the posterior;
to be situated
-this verb does not use a direct object
set (verb)
to place in a position;
to arrange
-this verb requires a direct object
suppose (verb)
to assume, to conjecture
supposed (adjective)
alleged, expected
than (conjunction)
used in making a comparison
then (adverb)
specifies when, used in describing time
that, who (pronoun)
introduces restrictive (essential) description
which, who (pronoun)
introduces nonrestrictive (nonessential) description
their (possessive pronoun)
belonging to them
there (adverb)
specifies where, used in describing a place
they’re (contraction)
they are
to (preposition)
used as part of infinitives, connector in various idioms
too (adverb)
also, in an excessive amount
use (verb)
to employ, to implement, to consume
use (noun)
function, purpose, utility
used (adjective)
not new, accustomed