Communications Flashcards
Which is not one of the 3 sources of stress discussed in the class: Environmental, psycho social, accumulative, personality?
T/F Showing respect strengths the bond between law enforcement and the community
Define what emotional intelligence is
The ability to interpret and understand and manage one tone in others emotions.
What part of the brain do our emotions come from?
ABLEMDULA primal brain/mid brain
T/F Officer presence means being good at your job your physical abilities and the emotional stability to handle any situation?
T/F Two types of trauma discussed in class are primary and chronic
What does ITA stand for?
Involuntary Treatment Act
List the 4 prongs of ITA
- Danger to self
- Danger to others
- Danger to property
- Gravely disabled
Write in What does the acronym LEAD stand for?
T/F Ways you can show empathy to a person who is experiencing a crisis will be to recognize the intent to their physical emotional needs
T/F If a person has not taken prescribed medication that is enough evidence to take a person into custody under ITA
T/F When a person is taken into custody under ITA they only need to be frisked prior to transportation
Two types of calls on patrol where you might observe a traumatic brain injury A. Collisions B. DV assaults C. DUI D. A&B only E. All of the above
A&B only
Someone in crisis, heightened emotions =
lowered emotions
What is the most beneficial time to intervene in a situation on your partner?
Which of the following statements is not accurate when referring to imagery as a law enforcement officer
Ensures a positive outcome in every situation
T/F A neo cortex in the cognitive part of the brain is responsible for all of the vital bodily functions
What does the acronym OPEN stand for?
Opened questions
Next steps
What are the symptoms of PTSD
intrusive thoughts/images, avoidance, hypervigilance, maladaptive cognitions
List the 5 decisive steps ASPCA
Ask Set Present options Confirm choice Act
T/F Stopping the ramp having control avoiding further complications gaining better understanding and providing a subject a reason to listen
List 4 examples of what can happen long term if the stress of the job is not handled properly
PTSD, Suicide,
T/F Autism spectrum, they have the lack of ability to respond properly and lack ability to communicate
Is it good to play along with someones hallucinations
When you intervene with your partner is it ok to not call your sergeant or do you have to call them
What are the 3 stages on the intervention list of abel training
Notice, Decide, Act
Is althizmers a sole reason to ITA someone?
How long could it take someone to recover from a hyper vigilant cycle?
18-24 Hours
What does CPR stand for when dealing with suicidal persons?
Current plan
Past behavior
Tactics of de-escalation
Time Distance Shielding
What are the symptoms of a senile person
Explain the emotional survival of law enforcement
T/F Rationalizing bad behavior can be victim based thinking
Who is the first victim of the hyper vigilant roller-coaster
Girl shows previous signs of attempted suicide, currently she is not showing active signs of suicidal tendencies, what can you do?
Provide resources
What are the 3S’s model?
Scene control, Start dialog, Solutions
List 3 inhibitors that prevent officers from intervening