ITS IMPACT ON GLOBAL COMMUNICATION Availability of Information, Business Conduct, and Social Awareness
most basic form refers to understanding how people from different countries and cultures behave, communicate and perceive the world around them.
Intercultural communication
which means to accommodate or to go along with, and is a communication pattern that orients the speakers toward harmonious social relations and a concern for face saving.
musayra or high context
used primarily for
complimenting and praising others,
especially in asymmetrical status
a cultural tendency to
be interpersonally cautious, facilitating
politeness and face saving
an expressive and
encompassing style leading to a deeper
connection with message receiver.
with emotional appeal to
build identification with the other and
maintain a positive face
The communication style used by
Israeli Jews is low context, direct,
pragmatic, and places an emphasis
on assertiveness.This speech means
straight talk.
due to differences in
communication styles can
be reduced by creating a
context of equality, where
one group does not
dominate the other group.
Cultural misunderstanding
Value can be defined as an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct is socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct
Value Dimensions
Or cognitive style can be understood as way of thinking that influences how we feel and how we act
Thinking Style
defined as a loosely knit social framework in which people are supposed to take care of themselves and their immediate family only.
defined as tight social network in which people distinguish between ingroups and outgroups
defined as the extent to which a society accepts the fact that power is distributed unequally.
Power Distance
defined as the extent to which a society feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations
Uncertainty avoidance
defined as the extent to which the dominant values in society are masculinity
shy and likes to stay out of the spotlight, shunning attention and praise.
Self- Effacement
the tendency to attribute positive qualities to one’s self and take credit for one’s successes, whether or not these are accurate beliefs.
Self- Enhancement
the use of rich and expressive language in everyday conversation
simple understatement, simple assertions, and silence.
refers to discrimination based on a person’s dialect or way of speaking. It is is a type of linguicism discrimination based on dialect.
It is defined as the way a speaker used language differently in diffirent circumstances . It is determined by factors such as social occasion, context, purpose and audience.
pertains to the specialized language of a professional or occupational group. This language is often meaningless to outsiders.
Regional Dialect, Sociolect, Idiolect, and Ethnolect
type of lects
It is the study and application of knowledge on cultural perceptions and symbol system of people belonging to different culture.
It refers to the use of particular language to intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in the society.
refers to the language that generally avoids discrimination towards a particular sex or social gender.
Gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language