Active listening
means being attentive to what a patient is saying both verbally and nonverbally.
allows you to express feelings and ideas without judging or hurting others. Assertive behavior includes appropriate eye contact; nonverbal communication that reflects interest, honesty, and active listening; spontaneous verbal responses with a confident voice; and culturally sensitive use of touch and space.
is being self-directed and independent in accomplishing outcomes and advocating for others.
to send and receive messages through visual, auditory, and tactile senses.
Circular transactional model
Includes several elements: the referent, sender and receiver, message, channels, context or environment in which the communication process occurs, feedback, and interpersonal variables
Closed-ended question
Form of question that limits a respondent’s answer to one or two words.
Ongoing, dynamic series of events that involves the transmission of meaning from sender to receiver.
Complementary role relationships function with one person holding an elevated position over the other person.
EX. A complementary role occurs when a nurse provides education to a patient about a new medication or therapy.
Understanding and acceptance of a person’s feelings and the ability to sense the person’s private world.
All of the many factors (e.g., physical and psychological) that influence or affect the life and survival of a person.
Process in which the output of a given system is returned to the system.
Interpersonal variables
Exchange of information between two persons or among persons in a small group.
Lateral violence
Hostile, aggressive, and harmful verbal and nonverbal behavior by a nurse to another nurse via attitudes, actions, words, or behaviors. This behavior includes criticizing, intimidations, blaming, fighting, public humiliation, isolating, withholding assistance, or undermining efforts in completing assignments. This leaves the nurse feeling bullied, inadequate and powerless.
Information sent or expressed by sender in the communication process.
Motivational interviewing
Interview technique used to identify patients’ thoughts, beliefs, fears, and current health care behavior with the aim of helping them to identify improved self-care behaviors.