Communicating research with the patient Flashcards
How does research inform patient choices?
In order for Consumers to make the best health choices they need to be informed about their disease process (including benefits, harms & risks associated with treatments VS doing nothing) as well as where to access information and how to understand it.
What does person centeredness entail?
open communication, partnership, respect, choice, empowerment, focus on the person not the problem, cultural sensitivity & dignity.
What does shared decision making entail?
- A partnership between the clinician and the consumer that is based on shared understanding of treatment goals and plans
- Decisions based on consumers wishes and autonomy
- Allows consumers to question, express values, preferences and circumstances
what is the Salzburg statement and when was it created?
The Salzburg statement was created in 2010 at a global seminar for the purpose of considering the role patients can and should play in healthcare decisions. the statement calls on patients and clinicians to work together to be co-producers of health.
What does the Salzburg statement call on clinicians to do?
· Recognise that they have an ethical imperative to share important decisions with patients
· Stimulate a two-way flow of information and encourage patients to ask questions, explain their circumstances, and express their personal preferences
· Provide accurate information about options and the uncertainties, benefits, and harms of treatment in line with best practice for risk communication
· Tailor information to individual patient needs and allow them sufficient time to consider their options
· Acknowledge that most decisions do not have to be taken immediately, and give patients and their families the resources and help to reach decisions.
· Ensure that the information they provide is clear, evidence-based, and up to date and that conflicts of interest are declared.
What does the Salzburg statement call on patients to do?
· Speak up about their concerns, questions, and what’s important to them
· Recognise that they have a right to be equal participants in their care
· Seek and use high-quality health information.
What are the challenges and complexities to shared decision making?
- Availability of evidence
- Consumer involvement (not always possible or wanted)
- Consumers beliefs about the commitment of the health care professional regarding care, help and collaboration may increase consumer participation
- When consumers doubt that their health professional likes them or is focused on their best interest they might be less likely to accept treatment options
- Health professionals with positive attitudes about consumers as capable partners facilitate active participation
- Health professionals who are distant from patients or decision making processes might be less likely to encourage involvement
What strategies can clinicians adopt to aid shared decision making?
- Take a holistic approach (expectations, feelings, ideas)
- Value consumer’s life experiences, values and other contributions
- Provide clear honest and unbiased information
- Active listening
- provide verbal and written information
- Check the consumer’s understanding
- Check the degree to which the consumer wants to be involved
- Be caring respectful and empowering
- Be well informed about the current evidence
- Do not assume that consumers will make similar decisions to you
Name two assessment tools available to aid decision making?
- OPTION Scale (Observing Patient Involvement in Decision Making)
- COMRADE (Combined Outcome Measure for Risk Communication and Treatment Decision-Making Effectiveness)
When communicating probability of an event happening; what is the difference between absolute and relative?
- absolute : incidence within the entire population
- relative : those exposed divided by those not