Commonly used Algorithms Flashcards
Binary Search
Binary Search is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that efficiently searches a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half.
int BinarySearch(int[] arr, int target) {
int left = 0;
int right = arr.Length - 1;
while (left <= right) { int mid = left + (right - left) / 2; if (arr[mid] == target) return mid; if (arr[mid] < target) left = mid + 1; else right = mid - 1; } return -1; // not found }
When to Use: Use Binary Search when you have a sorted collection and need to quickly find an element.
Depth-First Search (DFS)
Description: DFS is a graph traversal algorithm where you go as deep as possible down one path before backing up and trying a different one.
Algorithm (Recursive):
void DFS(Node node, HashSet<Node> visited) {
foreach (var neighbor in node.neighbors) { if (!visited.Contains(neighbor)) { DFS(neighbor, visited); } } }
When to Use: Use DFS to explore all paths in a graph, especially useful for traversal and finding connected components.
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Description: BFS is a graph traversal algorithm that explores all neighbors at the present depth level before moving on to nodes at the next depth level.
void BFS(Node start) {
Queue<Node> queue = new Queue<Node>();
HashSet<Node> visited = new HashSet<Node>();</Node></Node></Node></Node>
queue.Enqueue(start); visited.Add(start); while (queue.Count > 0) { Node node = queue.Dequeue(); foreach (var neighbor in node.neighbors) { if (!visited.Contains(neighbor)) { queue.Enqueue(neighbor); visited.Add(neighbor); } } } }
When to Use: Use BFS for shortest path finding in unweighted graphs or when you need to visit all nodes level by level.
Merge Sort
Description: Merge Sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that recursively divides an array into halves, sorts them, and then merges the sorted halves.
void MergeSort(int[] arr, int left, int right) {
if (left < right) {
int mid = (left + right) / 2;
MergeSort(arr, left, mid);
MergeSort(arr, mid + 1, right);
Merge(arr, left, mid, right);
void Merge(int[] arr, int left, int mid, int right) {
int[] temp = new int[right - left + 1];
int i = left, j = mid + 1, k = 0;
while (i <= mid && j <= right) { if (arr[i] <= arr[j]) temp[k++] = arr[i++]; else temp[k++] = arr[j++]; } while (i <= mid) temp[k++] = arr[i++]; while (j <= right) temp[k++] = arr[j++]; for (i = left, k = 0; i <= right; i++, k++) arr[i] = temp[k]; }
When to Use: Use Merge Sort for sorting arrays efficiently, especially when stability and guaranteed O(n log n) time complexity are required.
Description: Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that partitions an array into smaller arrays based on a pivot element, and recursively sorts the partitions.
void Quicksort(int[] arr, int left, int right) {
if (left < right) {
int pivot = Partition(arr, left, right);
Quicksort(arr, left, pivot - 1);
Quicksort(arr, pivot + 1, right);
int Partition(int[] arr, int left, int right) {
int pivot = arr[right];
int i = left - 1;
for (int j = left; j < right; j++) { if (arr[j] < pivot) { i++; Swap(arr, i, j); } } Swap(arr, i + 1, right); return i + 1; }
void Swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
When to Use: Use Quicksort for in-place sorting with average O(n log n) time complexity. It’s efficient for large datasets.