common terms Flashcards
congestive heart failure
coronary artery bypass grafting
methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. it is a staph gern that doesn’t get cured with first line antibiotics
No know drug allergy
acute coronary syndrome
coronary artery disease
pulmonary embolism
deep vein thrombosis
bilateral tubal ligation
transient ischemia attack/ mini stroke
range of motion
DNR- do not resuscitate
instructions to withhold resuscitation efforts. order given by physician after consulting with patient or surrogate decision maker or by medical command authority
not by mouth
deep tendon reflexes- physician will tap on tendon. if equal intensity on both sides, then normal. connections between spinal cord and muscles are normal.
Babinski reflex
when sole of foot tickled, then big toe curls upward. normal in infants however signs of CNS damage later in life
Homan’s sign
pain in the calf upon dorsiflexion of the foot with leg extended that is diagnostic of thrombosis in the deep vein area
refers to an enlargement or ballooning effect
JVD-jugular venous distension
distended jugular vein in the neck
pupils are equally rounded, responds to light, and accommodates.
scleral icterus
yellowing of the sclera due liver disease. such as hepatitis
Having the appearance of cachexia or indicative of a loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness, and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not COPD, or any degenerative or wasting disease.
is the appearance of a blue or purple coloration of the skin or mucous membranes due to the tissues near the skin surface being low on oxygen.
An abnormal, high-pitched, musical breathing sound caused by a blockage in the throat or voice box (larynx). It is usually noted upon inspiration
profuse sweating
An area of skin composed of macular lesions of varying shades or colors.
bluish discoloration of an area of skin or mucous membrane caused by the extravasation of blood into the subcutaneous tissues as a result of trauma to the underlying blood vessels or fragility of the vessel walls.
redness or rash on the skin
bleeding under the skin
appearing pale, especially in the face.
abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the spaces between tissues and organs in the cavity of the abdomen
rebound tenderness
a sensation of pain felt when pressure (as to the abdomen) is suddenly removed
orthopnea, guarding
difficulty in breathing that occurs when lying down and is relieved upon changing to an upright position (as in congestive heart failure).
term to describe the grating, crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air in the subcutaneous tissue.
an ulceration of tissue deprived of adequate blood supply by prolonged pressure—also called decubitus ulcer, pressure sore
having a normal sized head
fluid, such as pus or clear fluid, that leaks out of blood vessels into nearby tissues. The fluid is made of cells, proteins, and solid materials. Exudate may ooze from cuts or from areas of infection or inflammation.
Pus, or the condition of containing or discharging pus
any disease or enlargement involving glandular tissue;: one involving lymph nodes
A constellation of signs and Sx–eg, headache, neck stiffness suggestive of meningitis,
an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness
periorbital ecchymosis
A descriptive term for bilateral periorbital accumulations of blood or other substances. Also known as Racoon eyes
CVA- costovertebral angle
one of two angles that outline a space over the kidneys. The angle is formed by the lateral and downward curve of the lowest rib and the vertical column of the spine itself. CVA tenderness to percussion is a common finding in pyelonephritis and other infections of the kidney and adjacent structures.
A type of abnormal respiratory or breath sounds heard on auscultation. The noise made can be described as a fine, rustling sound
A whistling or snoring sounds heard on auscultation of the chest when air channels are partially obstructed.
the abnormal twisting or a bodily organ on its own axis
skin turgor
refers to the skins level of hydration, assessed by lightly pinching the skin upward and noting if it quickly returns to a normal state, decreased skin turgor is a sign of dehydration
a narrowing or constriction of the diameter of a bodily passage or orifice
Battle’s sign
a discoloration behind the ear in the line of the posterior auricular artery often associated with a basilar skull fracture
Glasgow Coma Score
A neurological scale used to determine the level of consciousness of a patient.
a mass of usually clotted blood that forms in a tissue, organ, or body space as a result of a broken blood vessel
an inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements that is symptomatic of some central nervous system disorders and injuries and not due to muscle weakness —called also incoordination