Common Stains in Cellular Pathology Flashcards
H&E gives diagnosis in how many histological clinical reports?
- 70%
What colours does H&E stain?
- nuclei - blue/black
- collagen - pink
- muscle - deep pink
- RBCs - orange
What colour does elastic fibres stain from H&E?
- red/pink
Common methods used for elastic fibres
- Orcein
- Verhoeff’s
- Weigert’s
- Aldehyde fuchsin
What structures do haematoxylin stain?
- acidic or basophilic (basic dye)
- cell nucleus, ribosomes, rough ER
What structures do eosin stain?
- basic or acidophilic (acidic dye)
- cytoplasm, cell walls, extracellular fibres
What types of mucins does AB/PAS stain?
- PAS; neutral and acid
- AB; acid (blocks PAS from staining acid mucins)
What does increased mucin production indicate?
- adenocarcinomas (breast, pancreas, bronchus, stomach, ovary and colon)
What is mucus composed of and what does it coat?
- mucins and inorganic salts suspended in water
- epithelial surfaces (respiratory, GIT, genital tracts)
What does mucus act as?
- diffusion barrier against contact w/noxious substances
- and as lubricant to minimise shear stresses
What are mucins?
- family of large heavy glycosylated proteins
- some membrane bound, some secreted on mucosal surfaces and saliva
Schiff reagent in PAS staining
- dialdehydes react with it
- chromophore restored as modified
Oxidising in 0.5% Periodic Acid
- oxidation of carbohydrates to aldehydes
Washing well in running water
- enhances colour
Three different ways of producing metallic silver
- argentaffin
- argyrophil
- ion-exchange
Argentaffin reaction
- stains enterochromaffin cells
- tissues contain reducing groups w/enough strength and quantity to give deposit w/o reducing agent
Argyrophil reaction
- external reducer is used to enhance deposition of silver atoms from silver ions
Ion-exchange reaction
- silver nitrate reacts w/carbonates and phosphates in mineralised bone forming insoluble silver salt
- silver salts blackened by UV light or hydroquinone solution
Advantages of reticulin staining
- stable (doesn’t fade)
- densely dark deposits
- slender objects are thickened
- very sensitive method
Disadvantages of reticulin staining
- may strip section of slide
- can be unreliable and capricious
- stains everything in contact w/ silver solution
- silver solutions are expensive
- heavy metal; needs special waste discharge
What is added as a reducing agent in silver impregnation?
- formalin
Treating w/ Sodium Thiosulfate
- excess silver in unprecipitated state is removed
Rinsing in distilled water then treat w/ 4% Iron Alum
- a mordant (enhances silver salts
Reduce in 10% formalin in tap water w/agitation of slide
- reducing agent, causes deposition of metallic silver