Common provisions EPC Flashcards
Who can file?
Anyone (Art 58 EPC)
Language of filing
Any language (Art 14(2) EPC).
General languages
Art 14 EPC, R3EPC
Confirmation copy if filed by fax
Not required (only in case of inferior quality, if EPO sends invitation) (OJ 2019, Art.18, Art.6 and 7)
Filing date
Claims are not required (R40(1) EPC).
Depending on situation:
Further processing (Art 121EPC) or
Re-establishment (Art 122EPC).
R139EPC priority (5wk before pub)
Filing by reference to previous application
Possible – R40(1)(c)EPC and R40(2)EPC
Renewal fees
Yes, at first for the 3rd year (Art 86 EPC).
Representative need for filing
No. Art 133EPC
Missing part vs missing elements
Only missing parts are allowed (R.56(1) EPC).
Claims are never missing parts under the EPC. Can be erroneously filed R56a.
Prior art
Everything made available to the public before filing (Art.54(2) EPC) (written or oral description, use, or any other way)
Technical preparations for publication
End of the day that comes 5 weeks before the expiry of the 18th month (from the earliest priority) (OJ 2007, SE3, D.1).
Further search fee (non-unity)
Further search fee payable within 2 months (R.64(1) EPC) (Only payable if applicant wants the other invention(s) to be covered by a search.)
Date of notification
R126(2), R127(2) EPC - date on doc
Amount applicable in case of fee increase
Due date is irrelevant; the date of payment is set as the relevant date for determining the amount of the fees (GL A-X 5.1.2) –> If due date is 15 March, and there is a fee increase on 1 April, and the fee is only paid 10 April, the new, increased fee is payable.
Third party observations
Although lack of novelty and/or inventive step are the most common, third-party observations may also be directed to clarity (Art. 84), sufficiency of disclosure (Art. 83), patentability (Art. 52, 53 or 57) and unallowable amendments (Art. 76, 123). (GL E-VI 3.)
Fee reductions
Online filing – Rfees Art2
Search fee refund – Rfees, Art9
Divisional fees (from original…) Rfees Art2
Filing and exam – R6(3) EPC
Notification by postal service
Date of notification or any day in excess of 7 post notification
Notification by electronic comms
Date of notification or any day in excess of 7 post notification R127EPC
Calculation of time periods
Days, week, month, years
R131 EPC
Extension of periods
Next working date and closed days R134 EPC
Authentic text
Art70(1) EPC
Art87EPC, R52 EPC, R139 EPC
Art 61 EPC
Protocol on recognition
Arts 71, 72 EPC and R22, 85 EPC
Art 76 EPC and R36 EPC
Criminal acts
Debit order
AAD – through OJ and guidelines
AAD - OJ 2019 - Supp publication 4
GfE - A-X-4.3
OJ2022 SP3 —- Visser