common procedures Flashcards
spay (S)
surgical sterilization of female pet (4-6M small breed;12-15M large breed)
neuter (N)
surgical sterilization of male pet (4-6M small breed;12-15M large breed)
secondary infection of the female reproductive tract
cryptorchid (CRYPT)
failure of one or both testicles to descend from scrotum
declaw (DCL)
surgical removal of cat claws - 2 day stay, paper litter
surgical repair of cruciate - Dr. Stamper ONLY performs these
surgical removal of eye
teeth clean (TC)
cleaning and polishing of teeth under anesthesia
removal of teeth
tumor or mass removal (TR)
surgical removing of growth(s)
histopathy (HISTO)
study/diagnosis of diseases of the tissue
removal of the femoral head (ball of hip joint)
abdominal ultrasound (U/S)
ultrasound of the abdomen
anal gland removal
surgically removes anal gland
aural hematoma
collection of blood in the ear flap