Common Law Latin Terms (Literal Trans.) Flashcards
Ab initio
From the begining
Actus reus
Guilty act
Ad hoc
For this
Ad infinitum
To infinity
Ad quod damnum
According to the harm
Ad valorem
According to the value
Audi alteram partem
Hear the other side
Bona fide
In good faith
Caveat emptor
Let the buyer beware
Compos mentis
Of sound mind
Contra legem
Against the Law
Contra proferentem
Aagainst the offeror
Corpus delicti
Body of the crime
De facto
In fact
De jure
By law/right
De minimis
Pertaining to minimal things
Doli incapax
Incapable of guilt
Ejusdem generis
Of the same class
Erga omnes
Towards all
Having been made in error
Et alii
(Et al.)
And others
Et cetera
And other things
Et sequentes
(et. seq.)
And the following things
Ex delicto
Consequence of crime
Ex gratia
By Favour
Ex nunc
From now on
Ex parte
From/for one party
Ex post facto
After the fact
Let it be done
Habeas corpus
You have the body
In absentia
In absence
In camera
In the chamber
In curia
In court
In pari delicto
In equal offence
In pari materia
In the same matter
In personam
Against the person