Common Latin Roots Flashcards
What does the Latin root ‘ambi’ mean?
Example: ambiguous, ambidextrous
What does the Latin root ‘aqua’ mean?
Example: aquarium, aquamarine
What does the Latin root ‘aud’ mean?
to hear
Example: audience, audition
What does the Latin root ‘bene’ mean?
Example: benefactor, benevolent
What does the Latin root ‘cent’ mean?
one hundred
Example: century, percent
What does the Latin root ‘circum’ mean?
Example: circumference, circumstance
What does the Latin root ‘contra/counter’ mean?
Example: contradict, encounter
What does the Latin root ‘dict’ mean?
to say
Example: dictation, dictator
What does the Latin root ‘duc/duct’ mean?
to lead
Example: conduct, induce
What does the Latin root ‘fac’ mean?
to do; to make
Example: factory, manufacture
What does the Latin root ‘form’ mean?
Example: conform, reform
What does the Latin root ‘fort’ mean?
Example: fortitude, fortress
What does the Latin root ‘fract’ mean?
Example: fracture, fraction
What does the Latin root ‘ject’ mean?
Example: projection, rejection
What does the Latin root ‘jud’ mean?
Example: judicial, prejudice
What does the Latin root ‘mal’ mean?
Example: malevolent, malefactor
What does the Latin root ‘mater’ mean?
Example: maternal, maternity
What does the Latin root ‘mit’ mean?
to send
Example: transmit, admit
What does the Latin root ‘mort’ mean?
Example: mortal, mortician
What does the Latin root ‘multi’ mean?
Example: multimedia, multiple
What does the Latin root ‘pater’ mean?
Example: paternal, paternity
What does the Latin root ‘port’ mean?
to carry
Example: portable, transportation
What does the Latin root ‘rupt’ mean?
to break
Example: bankrupt, disruption
What does the Latin root ‘scrib/script’ mean?
to write
Example: inscription, prescribe
What does the Latin root ‘sect/sec’ mean?
to cut
Example: bisect, section
What does the Latin root ‘sent’ mean?
to feel; to send
Example: consent, resent
What does the Latin root ‘spect’ mean?
to look
Example: inspection, spectator
What does the Latin root ‘struct’ mean?
to build
Example: destruction, restructure
What does the Latin root ‘vid/vis’ mean?
to see
Example: televise, video
What does the Latin root ‘voc’ mean?
voice; to call
Example: vocalize, advocate