barendra kumar ghosh v king emperor
- common intention
- any acts done in furtherance of the planned objective will be treated as a part of it even if they were not agreed upon previously.
shankarlal v state of gujarat
acts done in the furtherance of common intention may include not just commissions but also omissions
krishnagovind v state of maharashtra
common intention can develop on the spot as well. just meeting of minds needs to be proved
lallan v state of bihar
common intention
mere physical distance from the act will not absolve the accused of having a common intention
jai bhagwan v state of haryana
common intention
1. two or more accused
2. preplanned meeting of minds
3. participation of the accused in the offense
list out cases related to common intention
- barendra kumar ghosh v king emperor
- shankarlal v state of gujarat
- krishnagovind v state of MH
- Lallan Bhai v State of Bihar
- Jai Bhagwan v state of Haryana
- pandurang v state of hyd
pandurang v state of hyd
difference between common intention and similar intention
ramvilas v state of bihar
mahendra singh v state of mp
- 5 or more people for common object
taijuddin v state of assam
- there is a difference between a passive onlooker and a person who shares common object
- being a coward is not an offense
list out common object case laws
- ramvilas v state of bihar
- mahendra singh v state of mp
- taijuddin v state of assam