Common Hand Problems Flashcards
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Entrapment Neuropathy of the median nerve.
- Median nerve runs under flexor retinuculum
Cause of CTS:
- Idiopathic
- Age related thickening of transverse carpel ligament retinuculum
-Increase swelling of tendons will affect the median nerve: Inflammatory arthritis (RA) gout acromegaly pregnancy Hyperthyroidism Diabetes
Common age group of CTS:
- common in females
- 50s to 60s
Hx of CTS:
“absolutely fine during the day, sleeps at night
wake up in the early hours of morning with burning pain, numbing
Has to do something (hang the hand over the side, raise the arm and open close fingers ,put hand against the wall), pain resides in half an hour and starts again.
-while driving, holding a book, knitting
Examination of CTS:
- Any wasting or weakness of thenar muscles
- ask pt to push thumb till the roof (abduct)
- push against it
- look at the thenar muscles (abductor policis bravis) - Sensation disturbance from thumb till half of ring finger.
- Tinel’s test
- Tap along the course of the median nerve
- pt will feel electric shock sensation in the middle finger
- elicit tinel’s sign - Phalen’s Maneouver
- ask pt to join dorsum of hands facing downwards
- continue for a minute
- if fingers tingle or get numb there might be CTS
Investigations for CTS:
- Give 1ml of cortisone on the ulnar side of palmaris longis tendon.
- positive response to the cortisone and comes back
Management of CTS:
-No place for NSAIDs or analgesics -Cortisone injection for dx and temp relief -Night splints may be used -Surgery best
What is Dequervain’s Tendinitis?
-entrapment tendinopathy of the first dorsal compartment (Abductor Policis Longus and
Extensor Policis Bravis)
Age Group:
- More in females
- Younger age
- Mothers with young infants (Mommy’s wrist)
Hx of Dequervains Tendinitis:
-Pt shows Pain on the radial side of wrist
(Basal thumb arthritis, trigger thumb)
- Clicking/locking feeling of wrist
- Pain during some movement
O/e for dequervains tendinitis:
- Not a lot to see
- mild swelling might be there
-Diagnostic test-
Finkelstein Test
Place thumb in palm, wrap fingers around it, ask them to move hand downwards, if painful then suspect dequervains tendinitis
mangement of dequervains tendinitis:
- Cortisone injection into the sheats mixed with local anaesthetics
- No place for NSAIDs, splints
- Release procedure under local anaesthetic
What is a trigger finger?
- Palmar side of the hand
- entrapment tendinopathy
- Tendons run under a series of pulleys
- problem in A1 pulley
Who gets trigger finger?
- older age group
- male and females similar
- Diabetes
- RA and gout
Hx of trigger finger?
- starts with pain
- worse in morning-
- clicking happens
- pt cannot open their fist
o/e of trigger finger?
- Tender over the metacarpal heads
- can see or hear the clicking/locking
Mx of trigger finger:
- Surgery best option (open up A1 pulley so tendons can glide)
- can give cortisone
What is Gangliones?
- Microscopic degeneration of collagen fibres
- cystic lesion grows out from a collagen structure
- Happens in 50% of population
- Not pathological
- Reassure pts
Where are gangliones commonly seen?
- Dorsal wrist Hand
- Dorsal scaphoid ligament
-Volar wrist ganglion (associated with radial artery)
-DIP joint gangliones
assoc with osteoarthritis
-Flexor sheat ganglion
(painful , feels like a bone)