Common GRE Words (Kaplan) 1 Flashcards
Define: Abscond (verb)
To leave secretly
Define: Adulterate (verb)
To make impure
Define: Aggrandize (verb)
To increase in power, influence and reputation
Define: Amalgamate (verb)
To combine; to mix together
Define: Ameliorate (verb)
To make better; improve
Define: Anachronism (noun)
something out of place in time
Use in a sentence: Anachronism
His fashion was anachronistic, as his wardrobe featured pieces from the 1940s
Define: Analogous (adj.)
Similar or alike in some way; equivalent to
Define: Antipathy (adj.)
Extreme dislike
Synonyms: Antipathy
Enmity, hostility, animosity, aversion, animus
Define: Animus (adj.)
Hostility; motivation to do something
Define: Arbitrate (verb)
To judge a dispute between two opposing parties
Define: Ardor (adj.)
Intense and passionate feeling; enthusiasm
Define: Assuage (verb)
To make something unpleasant less severe
Define: Attenuate (verb)
To reduce in force or degree; to weaken