Common Foreign and Security Policy Flashcards
Which act gave the legal basis for European Political Cooperation?
Single European Act 1987
In regards to the 1979 USSR invasion of Afghan, how long did it take MSs to decide how to respond under EPC?
3 weeks
What did the MSs agree to in the Maastrict Treaty 1992?
The eventual framing of a common defence policy which might in time lead to a common defence
What did the 1992 Maastrict Treaty establish about CFSP and CSDP?
Joint actions agreed unanimously and details by QMV
Commission is an extra state essentially
EP to be consulted
What did the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam introduce?
(1) common strategies
(2) constructive abstention
(3) policy planning and early warning unit
(4) High Rep of CFSP
(5) Petersburg tasks incorporated into Treaty (peacekeeping, crisis management, humanitarian aid)
What is often cited as the beginning of a CSDP?
St Malo Summit in Dec 1998 between Blair and Chirac where proposal for autonomous defence force
What did the EU agree in the June 1999 European Council meeting in Cologne?
Deal with conflict independently of US
EU must be autonomous in Petersburg tasks
What did the European Council agree in Dec 1999 in Helsinki?
Plans for European Rapid Reaction Force by 2003 (60,000 troops deployable within 60 days for up to a year)
What were the key threats identified by the 2003 European Security Strategy?
(1) terrorism
(2) weapons of mass destruction
(3) regional conflicts
(4) failing states
(5) organised crime
Which Treaty gave a treaty-base to CSDP actions?
Treaty of Nice 2003
What did the EU decide to create in Nov 2004?
Battle groups (1,000-1,500 members in each battle group deployable within 10 days of decision for UN mandated operations)
Why weren’t the EU battle groups deployed in Libya in 2011?
Germany refused, not sufficient MS agreement.
Who argues that MSs will continue to jealously guard their sovereignty?
Hyde-Price (2007)
What does Howorth (2011) explain about the number of EU overseas missions?
27 overseas missions between 2003 and early 2010 but only 6 involved military force
What does Howorth (2009) argue about NATO and the EU?
Although they issued a declaration on CSDP for strategic partnership in 2002, the arrangements have never been made to work in practice and the relationship remains essentially dysfunctional
Who argues that they EU possess the attributes needed to address the challenges faced (multilateral bargaining, institutional capacity, humanitarian relief) and that once it thinks strategically rather than reactively, the EU could be very influential?
Howorth (2011)
Who points out that MSs dominate decision making in CSFP and CSDP and are responsible for major decisions on the basis of unanimity? (Also points out that under Art 3 TEU national security remains sole responsibility of each MS)
Menon (2011)
What does Menon (2011) argue about the role of the EU in CFSP and CSDP?
That EU not likely to become a high profile and effective international security actor because compromises of many different states with many different preferences and interests and it is up to MSs to achieve things collectively that they can’t individually
What is the process of constructive abstention?
If no consensus on an action, the governments in the minority abstain from voting rather than voting against the agreement. Since the Amsterdam Treaty those governments have not been required to implement the decision but must refrain from taking action directly contrary to the decision.
What are the CFSP objectives under Maastrict?
(1) to strengthen the common values, fundamental interests and independence of the EU
(2) to strengthen the security of the EU and its MSs in all ways
(3) to preserve peace and strengthen international security, in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter
(4) to promote international cooperation
(5) to develop and consolidate democracy and the rule of law, including human rights
What do Hix and Høyland (2011) argue about EU defence policy?
There has been a gradual establishment of foreign and defence policy competences at the European level and a progressive movement towards supranational decision-making, an increased role for supranational actors and institutions in Brussels, and instruments to ensure that the EU acts as a United force in world affairs
What does Menon (2009) report about the EU’s military interventions?
That a significant proportion of them have followed action on ground by other institutions (e.g NATO preceded EU troops in Macedonia and Bosnia)
According to Menon (2009) why are MSs reluctant to pool their sovereignty in CFSP/ESDP?
They differ in opinion on ESDP policies
According to Menon (2009) what is the EU defence policy structurally best suited to?
Smaller-scale crisis management than larger military intervention