Common Essay, ‘The terms of the Treaty of Versailles were the main reason for Hitler’s rise in the period 1919 to January 1933.' How far do you agree? Flashcards
Points FOR
The significance of German humiliation,
‘November criminals’ propaganda, and Nazi
promise to scrap article 231 (the war guilt clause)
as a motive for nationalists to support Hitler.
• The significance of the Nazi promise to end
reparations as a cause of support.
• The significance the military clauses in creating
German resentment and feelings of insecurity as a
factor in Nazi support.
• The economic impact of loss of territories rich in
natural resources in generating support for the
• The role of Nazi lebensraum propaganda and
promise to recover territories in gaining political
• The significance for Nazi support of the growth of
both left and right-wing extremism as a
consequence of the Versailles terms.
The significance of economic factors including the
Wall Street Crash and Nazi economic support of,
or promises to, small businesses, farmers,
industrialists in generating political support.
• The contribution of Hitler’s personality and skill as
a figurehead of opposition (e.g. Mein Kampf and
the propaganda of Weltanschauung) in gaining
popular support.
• The political support generated by alliances with
other parties on the right (e.g. Harzberg Front)
• The role of the NSDAP organization – para-
militarism, gauleiters, Hitler Youth movement etc.
in generating political support.
• The significance of the SA in disrupting the political activities of their opponents.
• The significance of the constitution and structure
of the Weimar political system for the NSDAP rise
to power: proportional representation,
Hindenburg’s presidency, Article 48.
• The role of popular anti-Semitic ideas in
generating support for Hitler
4 paragraphs
- Economic Problems
- Hitlers general appeal