Common Discomforts of Pregnancy - Intrapartum Flashcards
It is the most ideal exercise because it stimulates muscular activity of the entire body & does not result in fatigue or strain.
It aids in the restoration of perineal muscles & prevent stress incontinence
Kegels exercise
Common discomfort of pregnancy due to pressure of the gravid uterus to the large veins
It is often one of the first symptoms noticed in early pregnancy and may be most noticeable on exposure to cold air.
Breast Tenderness
Common discomfort of pregnancy due to increased metabolic requirements
Common discomfort of pregnancy due to smooth muscle relaxation effect of progesterone, constipation, and pressure of the gravid uterus
Common discomfort of pregnancy due to imbalance of Ca & phosphorus
Leg cramps
Profuse whitish vaginal discharge due to high estrogen level and the increased blood supply to the vaginal epithelium and cervix in pregnancy
They are so common they are considered a normal part of adaptation to pregnancy. Associated with Iron Deficiency Anemia
Common discomfort of pregnancy due to increased estrogen levels
Palmar Erythema / Plantar Pruritus
Common discomfort of pregnancy due to circulatory adjustments necessary to accommodate mother’s increased blood supply.
Heart Palpitations
Discomforts during labor can be minimized if the woman comes into labor?
Discomforts during labor can be minimized if the woman’s abdomen is?
The theory that the spinal cord contains a neurological “gate” that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass on to the brain. The “gate” is opened by the activity of pain signals traveling up small nerve fibers and is closed by activity in larger fibers or by information coming from the brain.
Gate control theory
Breathing that is done to begin all breathing exercises
Cleansing breath
Psychoprophylaxis; a method of “prepared” childbirth involving relaxation and controlled breathing.
Lamaze method
This is done by relaxing body portions
Conscious relaxation
A woman uses different rates in labor depending on the intensity of contraction
Consciously controlled breathing
The premise of this method is that ‘‘fear leads to tension and that it leads to pain.”
Dick-Read method
Husband coached; it is based on the premise that childbirth is a joyful and natural process.
Bradley method
A method of childbirth where delivery occurs in a quiet, dimly lit room and the infant is handled gently, minimizing the trauma for the newborn and allowing for immediate bonding between mother and child
Leboyer method
What is the disadvantage of hydrotherapy/water birth?
Most women expel feces from pushing in the second stage of labor, the water bath may become contaminated
Refers to women giving birth without healthcare provider supervision; potentially dangerous
Unassisted birthing
It is an involuntary physiologic process whereby the contents of the gravid uterus are expelled through the birth canal into the external environment
As progesterone level falls, body fluid is more easily excreted from the body, lead to a weight loss between?
1-3 lbs
To know if the mother is already in labor, the abdomen must be?
It refers to the route a fetus must travel from the uterus through the cervix and vagina to the external perineum.
The line of junction of the frontal bone and the two parietal bones.
Coronal suture
The line of junction of the occipital bone and the two parietal bones.
Lambdoid suture
It refers to the fetus
A membranous inter-space that joins the parietal bones
Sagittal suture
“Bregma”, lies in the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures and in diamond shape.
Anterior fontanelle
The membranes that are found at the junction of the main suture line.
It lies at the junction of the lambdoid and sagittal sutures. It measures 2 cm. across the widest part.
Posterior fontanelle
Diameter of the fetal skull that measures 12 cm
Occipitofrontal diameter
Smallest diameter of the fetal skull; 9.25 cm
Biparietal diameter / transverse diameter
Smallest anterior-posterior diameter of the fetal head; follows a line drawn from the middle of the anterior fontanel to the undersurface of the occipital bone
Suboccipitobregmatic diameter
It is the widest anteroposterior diameter of the fetal skull; approximately 13.5 cm
Occipitomental diameter
It allows the smallest anteroposterior diameter of the head to enter the pelvis.
Complete Flexion
It causes a larger diameter to enter.
Moderate flexion
It forces the largest diameter against the pelvic brim so the head is too large to enter the pelvis.
Poor flexion