Common Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities Flashcards
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
*Continuum of developmental disorders characterized by early-onset difficulties:
* social communication
* social interaction
* restricted & repetitive physical & cognitive behaviors
Obstetric history risk factors for ASD
- Meconium aspiration
- Birth injury/trauma
- Congenital malformations
- Anemia
- ABO/Rh incompatibility
- Prenatal valproate (Depakote®)
exposure - Genetic heritability
- ↑ parental age (esp >35 yo)
Etiology of ASD
*Unknown cause
*ASD has been associated with abnormalities in brain structure, connectivity,
& function
*ASD may be associated with hyperserotonemia or reduced Gama-
aminobutyric-acid (GABA) & receptors
Autism Spectrum Disorder Onset usually before age _____
36 months
* History of impaired communication
* verbal & nonverbal
* echolalia
* repetition of another person’s speech
* limited eye contact
History of Present Illness for ASD Children < 6 years old
- Impaired & delayed comprehension
- Difficulties with grammar & word sounds
ASD HPI for Children ≥ 6 years old
- Relatively intact articulation & syntax if early language development
difficulties have been resolved - Deviant pragmatics, semantics, morphology
Early deficits that may signal an ASD
*No appropriate or engaging gaze with caregiver
*No “turn taking” in conversations
* ~6 months old
*No response to primary caregiver’s voice
*Aware of sounds, does not respond to speech
*Delayed onset of babbling
*↓ or lack of gestures for communication
*No typical expressions (ie “uh-oh”)
*No response or interest to neutral conversational phrases
Sensory-motor symptoms of ASD
- may include hypo/hypersensitivity to stimuli
- oral or dermal aversions
- hyperacusis
- Repetitive, nonfunctional, atypical behaviors
- hand flapping, rocking, twirling, finger movements
- Possible poor motor development, coordination
Family History features with ASD
- ASD or similar features in the family
- speech or language difficulties
- psychiatric disorders
- learning disabilities
- seizures or developmental neurologic
problems - Problems impacting child behavior
M-CHAT screen
Can identify Autism by age 2
▪1st autism screen is recommended at 18 months
▪2nd autism screen is recommended at 24-30 months
Treatment & Referral for ASD
▪NO CURE, but treatment can help
▪Refer to specialists experienced in assessment of ASD
▪Children with ASD who begin treatment before 3-3 1⁄2 years make the
greatest gains with intervention
*Early intensive behavioral intervention for children with ASD is essential
What early intervention is recommended for ASD?
- Begin ASAP
- ~25 hours of intervention/week
- Parent need to be trained & involved in their child’s tx
- Intervention focuses on
- Communication
- Social interaction
- Play skills
Tx psych comorbidities of pts with ASD
anxiety, ADHD, depression
Diagnosis of Trisomy 21
*Often identified prenatally
* Invasive testing
* Amniocentesis ≥ 15 weeks gestation
* Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) - A sample from the villi of the
chorion (fetal part of the placenta)
* Cordocentesis- percutaneous umbilical blood sample
______ has higher sensitivity & specificity for trisomy 21 than standard screening
Maternal plasma cell-free DNA testing