Common Core Flashcards
What are the four methods of controlling bleeding?
Direct pressure
Pressure points
Tourniquet as a last resort
What are the three objectives of first aid?
Prevent further injury
The loss of life
What are the 11 principle pressure points?
Temple Jaw Neck Collar bone Inner upper arm Inner elbow Wrist Upper thigh Groin Knee Ankle
First degree burn
Produces redness, warmth, and mild pain
Second degree burn
Causes red, blistered skin, and severe pain
Third degree burn
Destroys tissue, skin and bone. Also pain may be absent due to nerve endings being destroyed
What are the two types of fractures?
What are symptoms of heat exhaustion?
Skin is cool, moist, and clammy. Pupils are dilated
What are symptoms of heat stroke?
Hot and/or skin
Uneven pupil dilation
Weak, rapid pulse
What is septic shock?
Bacteria multiplying in the blood and releasing toxins
What is anaphylactic shock?
Severe hypersensitivity or allergic reaction
What is carcinogenic shock?
When the heart is damaged and unable to supply sufficient blood to the body
Why is hypovolemic shock?
Severe blood and fluid loss
What is neurogenic shock?
Spinal cord injury
What are three types of cold weather injuries?
Superficial frostbite
Deep frostbite
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What are the three steps for CPR?
What does ORM stand for?
Operational risk management
What are the 5 steps to ORM?
Identify hazards Assess hazards Make risk decisions Implement controls Supervise
What are the three mishap classes?
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class A
Reportable material property damage is $2,000,000 or more
Class B
Reportable material or property damage is $500,000 or more, but less than $2,000,000
Class C
Reportable material or property damage is $50,000 or more but less than $500,000
Nerve agents
Disrupts nerve impulses to the body
Blister agents
Can cause inflammation, blisters and general destruction of tissues
Blood agents
Attacks the enzymes carrying oxygen in the blood stream
Chocking agents
Symptoms include tears, dry throat, nausea, vomiting, and headache
M9 paper
Detects the presence of liquid chemical agents; it does not detect chemical agent vapors
What are pathogens?
Bacteria and viruses
What are toxins?
Animal venom and plant toxins
High altitude burst
Excess of 100,000 feet
Air burst
Does not reach the surface
Surface burst
Worst fallout due to the fireball
Shallow underwater burst
Causes large waves and water contamination
Deep underwater burst
Yields greater contaminated water
DT-60 dosimeter
Determines the total amount of gamma radiation. Wearer is exposed in the 0-600 roentgens
MOPP level 1
JSLIST, mask, gloves readily accessible
MOPP level 2
Mask carried, decon supplies stage
MOPP level 3
GQ, install filters, don over boots
MOPP level 4
Don mask/hood, gloves, circle William, countermeasure wash down