Common Assault and Common Battery Flashcards
Common assault
Common law offence
Sentencing under the criminal justice act 1988 s39
Max punishment 6 months/£5000 fine
Common assault
Where the d intentionally or recklessly causes the victim to apprehend immediate unlawful personal violence
Common assault
Actus reus
Requires a positive act that causes the v to apprehend immediate unlawful personal violence
- raising fist
- making a threat
Common assault
Words are sufficient - constanza 1997
No need for words - Ireland 1997
Common assault
Apprehend immediate unlawful force
V must apprehend that immediate force is going to be used against them
If there’s no possibility of carrying out threats then there’s no assault - lamb 1967
Force needs to be immediate but not instantaneous - smith vs school of working police (night window stalker)
Words indicating that there will be no violence may prevent an act from being assault - tuberville v savage 1969
Common assault
Unlawful force
Force must be unlawful
Lawful forces:
Self defence
Prevention of a crime
Protection of another
Common assault
Mens rea
Intention to cause another to fear immediate unlawful violence or recklessness as to whether such fear is caused
Basic intent offence
Common assault
Recklessness test
D must realise that there is a risk and his acts/words could cause another to fear unlawful personal violence as per Cunningham
Common assault
Majewski 1976
D had consumed large quantities of drugs/drink and lashed out at people
Reckless in his actions
Common battery
Common law offence
Sentencing under s39 CJA
Common battery
Where the defendant intentionally or recklessly applies unlawful force upon the victim
Common battery
Actus reus
Force can be slightest of touching
Thomas 1985 - touching of skirt
Collins v wilcock 1984
Unlawful force
If v gives genuine consent then it may be lawful
R v brown - sado Massachism
R v wilson - branding
Collins v wilcock 1984
2 women soliciting
Asked to get in police car but refused
Police took hold of her
She scratched him
Battery was dropped as he was unlawfully holding her as she hadn’t been arrested
Children act 2004
Correction if a child by a parent
moderate and reasonable chastisement of a child is permitted as long as it doesn’t result in injury
A v UK 1998
Uk jury acquitted a father who had hit son with a cane
Under HRA is contravened with article 3 which prohibits torture or inhuman or degrading treatment
Common battery
Mens rea
Intention to apply unlawful force to another or recklessness as to whether unlawful force is applied
Common battery
Recklessness test
D must realise that there is risk that his act or omission could cause unlawful force to be applied to another person as per Cunningham