Commom Logical Fallacies Flashcards
Hasty generalization
A generalization based if insufficient or unrepresented evidence (stereotype)
Non sequitur
Does not follow. She loves kids, so she’ll make a good teacher.
Either… Or
Suggests only two alternatives
Post hoc
Assumption that point b happened because of point a, just because one followed another.
Slippery slope
Direct tv commercials
Loaded question
Do you always cheat on your tests?
Loaded statemet
My teacher was not drunk today.
Bandwagon appeal
A claim that an idea should be accepted people lots of other people accept it.
Card stacking
Ignoring evidence, selecting only favorable evidence.
Argument to the person
Attack to the person arguing rather than the argument itself.
Tu quoque
You did it too…
Inappropriate authority
Using them even though they might have no expertise on the argument.
Red herring
Changing the subject to avoid the main argument.
Straw man
Use weak argument that your opponent may have and use it against them.
Scare tactic
Creating fear