Commin Logical Fallacies Flashcards
Hasty Generalization
Written based the argument on insufficient evidence
Non sequitur
It doesn’t follow
Writers conclusion is not necessarily a logical result of the facts.
Begging the questions
Writer presents as truth what is supposed to be proven by the facts.
Red herring
Writer introduces an irrelvant point to divert the readers attention from the main issues
Post hix ergo propter hoc
After this therefore because of this
False cause and effect
Argument “ad hominem” (“do the man”)
Writer attacked the opponents character rather than the opponents argument
False Authority
Uses authority but isn’t indorse
Argument “ad populum” (“to the people”)
Writer evades the issues by appealing to the readers emotional reactions to certain subjects
Circular reasoning
Restates the same argument
Writer tries to convince the readers that there are only two sides to an issues one right, one wrong
Writer uses an abstract concept as if it were a concrete reality
Bandwaggon appeal
Writer tried to validate a point by intimating that everyone else believes this
Straw man
Writer selects the oppositions weakest on most insignificant point to argue against to divert the readers attention from the main point
Faulty analogy
Writer uses an extended comparison as proof of a point
Quick fix
Writer leans too heavily on catchy phrases or empty slogans.