Commercial Property Insurance Flashcards
One important insurance need for businesses is the need for __—coverage on real property such as office buildings, factories, warehouses, and insurance on business personal property such as furniture, fixtures, machinery, and inventory.
Property Insurance
A commercial property policy must include:
■ the commercial property declarations form;
■ the commercial property conditions form;
■ one or more commercial property coverage forms;
■ the causes of loss form; and
■ other mandatory endorsements.
The___provides additional information about the premises to be insured and the specific property forms that will apply. It also includes the name and addresses of any mortgage or lienholders.
commercial property declarations form
The ___ contain descriptions of the specific coverages being provided to the business. Each commercial property coverage form defines what property is covered, what property is not covered, how limits and deductibles apply, and what special conditions apply.
commercial property coverage forms
The causes of loss forms list the perils that the property is insured against. There are three separate causes of loss forms:
■ Basic
■ Broad
■ Special (open)
The __ forms list the perils that the property is insured against
causes of loss
Attached to every commercial property policy, the conditions form establishes the policy provisions with respect to the following issues:
■ Control of property ■ Legal action against the insurer ■ Other insurance ■ Policy period and coverage territory ■ Transfer of recovery rights against others (subrogation) ■ Concealment, misrepresentation, and fraud ■ No benefit to bailee ■ Insurance under two or more coverages ■ Liberalization
The __ condition states that an act of neglect of a person beyond the insured’s direction or control will not affect the insurance. In addition, if the insured violates a condition of the policy with regard to a specific location, the insurance applicable to other locations will not be affected.
control of property
Th___ condition gives the insured two years from the date that direct physical loss occurred to bring an action against the insurer. Such an action cannot be brought unless the insured has complied with all conditions of the policy.
legal action against us
The ___ condition states that when there is other insurance written on the same basis, the policy pro rates with the other policies. If there is other insurance covering the same loss but subject to a different plan or coverage, the policy is excess over the other insurance.
other insurance
The___condition states that a loss must occur during the policy period and in the coverage territory to be covered. The coverage territory is usually the United States, its territories and possessions, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
policy period, coverage territory
The ___ condition gives the insurance company subrogation rights
transfer of rights of recovery against others to us
The ___ condition states that the commercial property coverage is void if the insured intentionally conceals or misrepresents a material fact concerning the coverage, the covered property, the insured’s interest in covered property, or a claim.
concealment or fraud
The __ condition prohibits a bailee from being reimbursed by the insured’s commercial property insurance if the insured’s property is damaged or destroyed while in the bailee’s custody. Remember, a business is a bailee when they have care, custody, and control of a customer’s property
no benefit to bailee
The ___ condition states that any revision that broadens coverage without requiring additional premium will automatically apply to the coverage part if the revision is adopted by the insurer during the policy period or within 45 days of the policy’s effective date.
The most commonly purchased form, and the form that is the core of the commercial property coverage part, is the____. It covers buildings, the insured’s business personal property, and the personal property of others located at the business premises.
The insured may select coverage for one or more of these categories. Coverage is only provided for coverages that have a limit of insurance shown in the declarations.
building and personal property coverage form
The most commonly purchased form, and the form that is the core of the commercial property coverage part, is the building and personal property coverage form. It covers buildings, the insured’s business personal property, and the personal property of others located at the business premises.
The insured may select coverage for one or more of these categories. Coverage is only provided for coverages that have a limit of insurance shown in the declarations.
In addition to the building itself, building coverage includes:
■ completed additions;
■ fixtures, including outdoor fixtures;
■ permanently installed machinery and equipment;
■ personal property used to maintain or service the premises, such as fire extinguishers;
■ outdoor furniture, floor coverings, and certain appliances; and
■ if not otherwise covered, additions under construction and alterations or repairs to the building, including materials, equipment, supplies, and temporary structures within 100 feet of the described premises.
____ is covered while it is in the building, in the open, or in a vehicle within 100 feet of the premises.
Business personal property
Business personal property is covered while it is in the building, in the open, or in a vehicle within 100 feet of the premises. It includes:
■ furniture (desks, chairs, file cabinets, etc.);
■ fixtures (lights, permanent shelves, bathroom fixtures, etc.);
■ machinery;
■ equipment;
■ stock;
■ the value of labor, parts, or services on the personal property of others (e.g., the business has invested money and labor in a tractor it is repairing for a farm customer);
■ if the insured is a tenant, the improvements and betterments added by the insured; and
■ leased personal property (e.g., a copy machine) that the insured has a contractual responsibility to insure, unless it’s otherwise covered.
The following property is excluded from coverage:
■ Money, accounts, food stamps, notes, securities, and related property (lottery tickets held for sale are not securities and are covered)
■ Animals, unless they are boarded or held for sale
■ Autos for sale
■ Bridges, roads, walks, patios, and other paved surfaces
■ Contraband (property being illegally transported or traded)
■ Cost of excavations and other ground preparation
■ Foundations of buildings, structures, machinery, or boilers if their foundation is below the basement level or below ground level if there is no basement
■ Land, water, growing crops, and lawns
■ Retaining walls that are not part of a building
■ Bulkheads, pilings, piers, wharves, and docks
■ Property covered under another policy in which it is more specifically described
■ Underground pipes, flues, and drains
■ The cost to replace or restore information contained in valuable papers or records, including those that exist as electronic data, except as provided in the coverage extensions
■ Vehicles, including watercraft and aircraft, that are licensed for use on public roads
■ The following property while outside of buildings, except as provided in the coverage extensions
– Fences
– Antennas (including satellite dishes)
– Signs that are not attached to the building (attached signs are covered for $2,500)
– Trees, shrubs, and plants
pays for loss to property that was removed from the insured location to protect it from a peril insured against. Coverage only applies if the loss occurs within 30 days after the property was removed.
Preservation of property
pays up to $1,000 for a fire department service charge. This is paid in addition to the limit of insurance; no deductible applies.
Fire department service charge
covers the costs to extract pollutants from land or water at the insured’s premises if the pollution was caused by a covered cause of loss. This coverage is subject to a $10,000 limit per policy period that applies in addition to the policy limit. The expenses must be reported to the insurer in writing within 180 days of the loss.
Pollutant cleanup and removal
The ___additional coverage pays to replace or restore electronic data that have been destroyed or corrupted by a covered cause of loss. ___means information, facts, or computer programs. $2,500 for all loss or damage sustained in any one policy year
electronic data
Coverage Extension what are they:
• 80% coinsurance has been met • Newly acquired or constructed property • $250,000—building • $100,000—personal property • Personal property of other— $2,500—not bailee • Valuable papers and records— other than electronic data—up to $2,500 • Property off-premises—$10,000 • Outdoor property—fences, antennas, satellite dishes, trees, plants, and shrubs • $1,000 • $250 limit applying to any one tree, plant, or shrub • Nonowned detached trailers—$5,000
The duties in the event of loss condition states that after a loss, the insured must:
■ notify the insurer about the loss or damage as soon as possible, provide a description of the property involved, and describe how, when, and where the loss or damage occurred;
■ notify the police if a law may have been broken;
■ take reasonable steps to protect the covered property from further damage and keep a record of expenses incurred to protect the property (if possible, the insured should separate the damaged property from the undamaged property);
■ provide a complete inventory at the insurer’s request;
■ allow the insurer to inspect the property, examine books and records, and take samples of the property at its request;
■ testify under oath with regard to the claim if requested by the insurer; and
■ send a signed, sworn statement of loss within 60 days of the insurance company’s request.
Loss Payment:
condition states that the insurance company will give the insured notice of how it intends to value the loss within 30 days after it receives the insured’s sworn statement of loss
The ___ condition describes how losses will be settled. Most losses are paid at actual cash value.
• Loss less than $2,500— replacement
___already sold is valued at its net selling price.
___are valued at actual cash value.
Tenants’ improvements and betterments
___are valued at actual cash value.
Tenants’ improvements and betterments
The ___ condition states that if a building has been___for more than 60 consecutive days before the loss, the insurer will not pay for a loss due to vandalism, water damage, theft or attempted theft, building glass breakage, or sprinkler leakage (unless the system has been protected against freezing).
mortgage holder:
- 10 days’ notice if insurance canceled for nonpayment of premium
- 20 days for all other reasons
- 10 days for nonrenewal
- Mortgage holder paid losses
The ___condition states that when the insured’s amount of coverage at the time of loss does not meet the required coinsurance percentage, the company reduces the payment it would otherwise make in the same proportion as the insurance carried bears to the insurance required.
Builders Risk
- Buildings under construction
- Materials and equipment on premises or within 100 feet
- Foundation
- Written for one year but can be terminated
11.5.1 Property Covered
Coverage ends when one of the following first occurs:
■ Policy expires or is canceled
■ Property is accepted by purchaser
■ Interest in property ceases
■ Construction is abandoned
– 90 days after completion of construction
– 60 days after building is occupied in whole or in part or put to intended use
The following property is not covered:
■ Land or water
■ Lawns, trees, shrubs, or plants when outside of buildings
■ Radio and television antennas when outside of buildings, including lead-in wiring, masts, or towers
■ Signs not attached to buildings (attached signs are covered for $2,500)
The builders risk coverage form includes most of the same conditions found in the building and personal property coverage form, with the following variations.
■ There is no vacancy provision because buildings under construction are not considered vacant.
■ There is a clause stating that all property is valued at ACV at the time of loss
The ___ provides another option with regard to the amount of insurance that must be carried
builders risk reporting form
Builders Risk Reporting Form
- Insured reports values during construction
- No more coverage than the last report
- 100% coinsurance required
The condominium association coverage form insures a condominium association against direct physical loss or damage to:
■ buildings;
■ business personal property; and
■ personal property of others in the care, custody, or control of the association while it is at the premises.
Condominium Association Form:
- Covers property belonging to the association
- Buildings
- Personal property
- Doesn’t cover personal property of condo owner (HO- 6)
Commercial Unit Owner:
• Covers personal property of commercial condo unit-owners
The___pay for loss of income that the insured sustains due to a direct physical loss from a peril insured against that forces the insured to suspend operations during the period of restoration
business income coverage forms
__means a slowdown or cessation of the insured’s business activities
__is a coverage that reimburses the insured for __incurred to keep a business going after a loss caused by a covered peril. This coverage is for a business that must continue at all costs (e.g., newspaper or bank).
Extra Expense
The ___ includes an extra expense coverage that reimburses the insured for money spent to avoid or minimize a business shutdown.
business income with extra expense coverage form
The __ replaces the extra expense coverage with an expenses to reduce loss coverage that covers expenses the insured incurs to reduce loss, up to the amount the loss is reduced
business income without extra expense coverage form
With either of the business income forms, the insured may select:
■ business income coverage, including rental value coverage;
■ business income coverage, other than rental value coverage; or
■ rental value coverage only.
Expenses to Reduce Loss:
• Covers necessary expenses to avoid further loss of income
The ___ option gives the insured extended business income coverage for the number of days stated in the declarations, rather than the 60 days allowed by the extended business income additional coverage.
extended period of indemnity
The___ optional coverage limits reimbursement for extra expenses or loss of business income to no more than the amount of loss incurred during the first 120 days following the direct loss
maximum period of indemnity
The ____is a variation on the business income forms. It provides coverage for the following.
business income from dependent properties—broad form
—provides raw materials to the insured.
• Loss of insured’s income because of a covered loss to the contributing location
Contributing location
—primary buyer of the insured’s goods
• Insured loses income because the recipient location suffers damage
• Recipient location—
—provides manufactured goods to the insured
• Insured loses income because the manufacturer can’t supply because of a loss
• Manufacturing location—
—insured depends on another business to attract customers to their own business
• Leader location
Limits are applied to recovery depending on the period of restoration. For instance, limits might be stated in the declarations as 40%/80%/100%. This means that if the restoration period was:
■ 30 days or less, 40% of the full amount of insurance would be paid;
■ 31–60 days, 80% of the full amount of insurance would be paid; or
■ over 60 days, 100% of the full amount of insurance would be paid.
• Covers property of others only if:
Legal Liability Coverage Form
There are three causes of loss forms:
basic, broad, and special
The causes of loss—basic form is a named perils form that lists 11 covered perils.
• Fire, lightning, and internal explosion
Plus extended coverage perils:
• Remember WCSHAVVER and V&MM:
• Wind
• Civil commotion
• Smoke
• Hail
• Aircraft
• Vehicles
• Volcanic action—does not cover land movement
• Explosion
• Riot
• Plus V&MM (vandalism and malicious mischief)
• Fungus, wet rot, and bacteria—$15,000 maximum
__includes airborne volcanic blast or shockwaves, ash, dust, particulate matter, and lava flow. Removal of ash, dust, and particulate matter is not covered if it does not cause direct physical loss to the described premises.
Volcanic action
The causes of loss—broad form covers all of the perils listed in the basic form and BIG AFFECT:
■ B—Burglary damage
■ I—Ice, sleet, and snow (weight of)
■ G—Glass breakage
■ A—Accidental discharge of water—accidental discharge of water or steam at the described location from within a plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or household appliance.
■ F—Freezing objects—freezing of plumbing, heating, air conditioning, or automatic fire protective sprinkler systems and household appliances (insured must use reasonable care to maintain heat in the building or shut off the water supply and drain all systems and appliances)
■ F—Falling objects
■ E—Electrical current—sudden and artificially generated electrical current (does not include damage to a tube, transistor, or similar electrical component)
■ C—Collapse
■ T—Tearing asunder—sudden and accidental tearing apart, cracking, or burning of steam or hot- water heating, air-conditioning, or automatic fire protective sprinkler system and water heaters
Water damage coverage also includes the cost of tearing out or replacing any part of a building to repair damage to the system from which the water or steam escaped.
__is defined as an abrupt falling down or caving in of the building or part of the building that results in it being unusable.
Collapse of a building, part of a building, or a building that contains covered property is covered only when it is caused by one of the specified broad form perils or any of the following additional perils:
■ Breakage of glass ■ Hidden decay ■ Hidden insect or vermin damage ■ Weight of people or personal property ■ Weight of rain that collects on a roof ■ Use of defective material or methods in construction, remodeling, or renovation if the collapse occurs while the construction, remodeling, or renovation is in progress
The ___ covers any direct physical loss not specifically excluded or limited in the form. In other words, it provides open perils coverage.
causes of loss—special form
The causes of loss—special form covers any direct physical loss not specifically excluded or limited in the form. In other words, it provides open perils coverage. Because of this, the list of exclusions is more extensive and detailed than in the other causes of loss forms you’ve studied. In addition to some of the exclusions contained in the other forms, such as earth movement, war, and nuclear hazard, the special form excludes:
■ wear and tear;
■ rust, corrosion, fungus, decay, deterioration, and hidden or latent defects;
■ smog;
■ pollutants (unless the release, discharge, or dispersal is caused by a specified cause of loss);
■ settling, cracking, shrinking, or expansion;
■ damage caused by insects, birds, rodents, or other animals;
■ mechanical breakdown;
■ explosion of steam boilers, pipes, and engines;
■ dishonest or criminal acts of the insured or the insured’s employees;
■ voluntary parting with property if induced to do so by fraud or a trick;
■ rain, snow, ice, or sleet damage to personal property that is not in a building;
■ loss resulting from acts or decisions, or the failure to act or decide;
■ collapse (other than that specifically included under the collapse additional coverage); and
■ faulty planning, development, design, specifications, workmanship, or repair.
A variation of the reporting form is the __ that allows the insured to carry increased coverage during certain seasons of the year when inventory or other covered property is higher than usual.
peak season endorsement
The __ removes this exclusion by providing coverage when an insured’s loss is increased because of such laws.
ordinance or law coverage endorsement
___ may be added to the building and personal property and condominium commercial unit-owners coverage forms to provide coverage for the insured’s perishable stock— personal property that must be maintained under controlled conditions (such as refrigerated property) to protect it from loss or damage.
Spoilage endorsement
• Value reporting—allows insured to report values (usually on a monthly basis) to establish limits of coverage
• —allows insured to report values (usually on a monthly basis) to establish limits of coverage
Value reporting
covers perishable stock (refrigerated):
—pays for additional costs of repair or replacement due to building ordinances or laws
Ordinance of law