Commercial law Flashcards
What are the different forms of merchants (Kaufleute)?
There are three main forms of merchants under German commercial law:
Small Merchants (Kleingewerbetreibende)
Merchants by virtue of trade (Ist-Kaufleute)
Optional merchants (Kann-Kaufleute)
What are Merchants by virtue of trade (Ist-Kaufleute)?
- Individuals or businesses that engage in commercial or business activities on a regular basis.
- Three requirements (Regular engagement in commercial activity, independence and commercial purpose)
- The commercial code applies for merchants by virtue of trade.
What are small Merchants (Kleingewerbetreibende)?
Individuals who meet the requirements for merchants (regular engagement in commercial activity, independence and commercial purpose) on a small scale.
- exempted from certain requirements of the HGB such as double bookkeeping or annual financial records
Max turnover: 22k /year
What are optional merchants (Kann-Kaufleute)?
Optional merchants are individuals or businesses that have the option whether to be subject of the regulation of the HGB or be treated as private individuals.
- Option is exercised by making a declaration to the commercial registry
- Benefit from the protection and privileges of merchants and opt-out at any time
What is the commercial registry? What needs to be registered?
Commercial registry - public register in containing information about all businesses (GmbH, partnerships, AG) in Germany to ensure transparency in commercial transactions.
- maintained by the local chamber of commerce
Information that must be registered:
Company name, granting of procuration, managing director
Information that can be entered:
Limited liability
What are negative and positive publicity of the commercial register?
Positive publicity (§15 para 3):
- means that certain information about businesses is publicly accessible to provide transparency in commercial transactions
Negative publicity (§15 para 1):
- refers to information not publicly accessible such as financial status or business dealings, kept confident by the companies
- Principle of publicity is an important aspect of the German commercial registry