Comme une Française Flashcards
I can’t wait
J’ai hâte!
I’m excited about this weekend.
We are going to the mountains.
Je suis impatiente à l’idée de (ce weekend)
Je suiz-umpassiante
Nous allons à la montagne
Let me introduce you to my husband, Mike
I you present my husband.
(Meet my husband, Mike | This is my husband, Mike)
Je te présente mon mari, Mike.
I would like one of those, please
J’en voudrais un comme ça s’il vous plait.
Excuse me, I forgot the word for
Excuse moi, j’ai oublié le mot pour
sleight prononciation of the é
How do you say ( ) in french?
Comment on dit ( ) en français?
Excuse me, I still didn’t understand it
Excuse me, I have all day not understood
Excuse moi, je n’ai toujours pas compris.
Can you write it for me?
Vous pouvez me l’écrire
me - “mu” with your lips out like a duck
No … I still don’t understand. What does that mean?
It wants to say what?
Non … toujours pas. Ça veut dire quoi?
What does this mean : _______ ?
What is it that this wants to say?
Qu’est ce que ça veut dire ( the word in french)
How is that pronounced?
(How that pronounces itself, this?)
How do you pronounce this word, there?
Comment ça se prononce, ça?
Articulate the “ce” at the end of prononce.
Comment vous prononce ce mot, là?
Every day vs.
Always or still
The phrase “tous les jours” generally has the literal meaning of “every day”.
On the other hand, “toujours” means “always” or “still”.
That I know (of)
Not that I know (of)
que je sache
pas que je sache
Are you here? Good for when delivery people call.
T’es la? (you are here with an inflection)
Just a stone’s throw away, it’s close to here.
A deux pas d’ici
Arriving at the right time
En arrivant au bon moment