CommandLine Flashcards
How do you leave the command line?
What is the flashing underscore called?
What does the ver command do?
The ver command displays the operating system version you are running.
What does the dir command do?
allows you to view the directory
What does dir /p do?
read the directory one page at a time
What does dir /w do?
displays directory in wide format
What do you use * for?
to narrow down your search in the directory
ex 1. dir .log (displays all log files)
ex 2. dir p.(display files that start with a p and have an extention)`
What does cd do?
Call a different directory (change directory) (windows, root)
What does n: or c: do?
change to the n or c drives
What does md do?
Make directory
What does cd .. do?
move up a directory
What does rd do?
remove directory (delete)
How would you copy a directory to another directory?
copy n:(the drive) file) n:\Fruits (the new location
How do you rename a file?
ren (old name) (new name)
How do you delete a file?
at the n:> del