Command Words Flashcards
What are the 4 command words?
- Describe
- Explain
- Analyse
- Evaluate
If you’re asked a describe question, what are you expected to tell the examiner?
- what a performance looks like
- what’s strengths are demonstrated in the performance
- what the development needs are
Summary of a describe question?
Include as much detail as possible about what it is you are describing. Try to keep in mind that you are trying to paint a picture or provide a commentary for someone who has not seen the performance, method of data collection, approach you used or monitoring/evaluating tool.
What is the examiner looking for in an explain question?
- why you did what you did
- the relationship between decisions you took and the difference this made
What linking words should you use in an EXPLAIN question? (Cause and effect)
- because
- so that
- in order to allow me to
- to make sure that
- to provide me with the opportunity to
- when I needed to
Examples of cause and effect?
Cause - I lost my watch Effect- I was late for school Cause- I didn’t study for an exam Effect- I failed the exam Cause- I let my opponent get away from me Effect - she scored a goal Cause- I was too slow with my run-up Effect- I took off from the wrong place
What will the examiner expect from you in an ANALYSE question?
- what parts are important in a method, information or approach
- if there are connections between methods, information or approaches
Analyse means using phrases like?
- this shows me that
- this allowed for
- as a result
- this resulted in
- the result of this course of action was
- this meant that
What does analysing mean?
Analysing means you have to deconstruct, take apart and make clear the different parts of the methods of data collection, the approaches used, the strengths and weaknesses within your performance and the mothers you used to monitor and evaluate the progress you made.
How would you analyse methods of data collection?
Allows accurate collection of information, which results in easily interpreted data… this shows strengths and weaknesses clearly …. as a result you were able to start planning based on ….
How would you analyse approaches?
The approach used resulted in improved back stroke in the preparation and action stages … this meant that I had a longer, deeper pill…. giving more propulsion
How would you analyse methods to monitor and evaluate?
These show me that the weakness has reduced from 18/30 failed attempts to 6:30, this indicated that my methods gave me data …
What would the examiner expect from an EVALUATE question?
- how successful or otherwise was the method or approach you used
Evaluating means uses phrases like what?
- demonstrating a significant improvement…
- clearly, Results show…
- overall the preferred method would be … because …
- the approach most useful was …. because …
What must you write about in an evaluating question?
A value or a judgment has to be made to be made when evaluating something. You need to determine how useful, appropriate or effective your methods or approaches were. Also, if you were asked to evaluate your performance it might be a good idea to try and include some evidence to back up your judgements.
In an evaluating question, you will be effected to make judgement about what was:
Best - proved by the percentage increase in your number of successful serves
Worst- highlighted by the lack of motivation you felt while carrying out your training
More useful- than another method based on the ease of using the method to gather information
Less productive- based on the scores of your last match where you lost
What value words should you use in an evaluating question?
- outstanding
- excellent
- very good
- average
- below average
These words give you opportunity to back up the judgment you make.