Command Line Tools Flashcards
What is Ping?
Command use to test network connectivity and resolve hostnames to IP addresses
Uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- t switch sends unlimited Pings (Windows)
- c switch sets number of pings (Linux)
What is Hping?
Similar to ping, but also uses TCP, UDB, and ICMP
Can also scan for open ports.
What is ipconfig?
(Internet Protocol Configuration)
Command line use to show TCP/IP configuration; ip address subnet mask, default gateway, MAC address and dns server of all nics on a device.
What is ifconfig
Similar to ipconfig but with more capabilities. Can display nic properties and configure the nic as well.
Used on Linux
What is IP?
Command that replaces ifconfig with different/less features.
What is Netstat?
Command line used to determine active connections and view system tcp/ip protocol statistics.
What is Tracert?
Command line used to display all transporting routers (hops) between two systems.
Can also be used to see where packets are dropped or where a path has been modified.
- Tracert (Windows)
- Traceroute (Linux)
- d switch prevents command from resolving ip addresses to hostnames which makes the command go faster.
- n switch used on Linux to go faster and not resolve names.
What is Pathping?
Command line that combines the features of tracert and ping. Identifies hops and computes statistics of each ping per hop.
- mrt similar command in Linux but not needed for exam.
What is ARP
Command line used to view and edit the ARP cache of a system.
What is the cat command?
Used in Linux, Short for concatenate, used to view the contents of a file. Can also merge or make copies of files as well.
- | more switch allows to view files one page at a time.
What is the grep command?
(Globally Search A Regular Expression and Print)
Used in Linux, to search specific contents of a file. Can be used with other commands.
What is the head command?
Used in Linux, to view the beginning of a file. By default first 10 lines.
What is the Tail command?
Linux command used to view the last few lines in a file. By default last 10 lines.
-n switch allows to set number of lines.
What is the Logger command?
Linux command used to add entries for the syslog file such as right before doing a backup. Gives a time stamp
What is the journalclt command?
Linux command used to query Linux system logging utility. Journald.