Command Line Flashcards
an application which allows access to underlying shells
Why Terminals?
1) More fine-grained, predictable, and direct control
2) Automation and programmability
1) More fine-grained, predictable, and direct control
2) Automation and programmability
3) Common interface across operating systems
Why Terminals?
1) More fine-grained, predictable, and direct control
3) Common interface across operating systems
1) More fine-grained, predictable, and direct control
2) Automation and programmability
3) Common interface across operating systems
Why Terminals?
2) Automation and programmability
3) Common interface across operating systems
1) More fine-grained, predictable, and direct control
2) Automation and programmability
3) Common interface across operating systems
Why Terminals?
1) M
2) A
3) C
1) More fine-grained, predictable, and direct control
2) Automation and programmability
3) Common interface across operating systems
command line
a spot where commands are entered by the user for a given shell
print working directory - where the command line is
which ________
Find out where ________ (a command) is located on system
echo ________
prints whatever _________ is in the terminal or adds __________ to a file
What does this command do?
echo “A change to file_1.txt”»file_1.txt
This command added the line A change to file_1.txt to the file_1.txt file.
What does this command do?
echo “Brown Fox Runs”
prints out “Brown Fox Runs” in the terminal
What is the $PATH?
A environment variable that allows the system to search for a command in all directories defined by the variable
typical $PATH directories:
ls ________
display the contents of ____________ a directory or folder
ls .
lists the contents of the current folder
ls ..
lists the contents of one folder up