Comma Flashcards
Uses of a ;
Seperate 2 independent clauses with out a conjunction
Separate list with in list
I need the weather statistics for the following cities: London, England; London, Ontario; Paris, France; Paris, Ontario; Perth, Scotland; Perth, Ontario
“How did you become such a good cook?” Grandma asked Carley at dinner.
Is this correct why or why not
Yes puntuación goes inside of quotation marks
How to use a comma to seperate 2 independent clauses
Put a comma before the conjunction between 2 independiente clauses.
Maria is a baker, but she doesn’t know how to cook.
Phillip wakes up early every day, and he goes to bed early too.
Use a comma to separate a series of words or phrases.
True or flase
What is a clause
Group of words contains: Subject and a predicate
What is a predicate
Verb and friends
Part of the clause that contains a verb and associated things
Add comas where appropriate to these restrictive and nonrestrictive sentences.
- Edward Johnson who has been accepted by several colleges will go to Harvard this fall.
- We are looking for someone who went to Harvard.
- I see you are wearing the jacket that Mother bought you for Christmas last year.
- Mr. Hawkins who is an avid antique car enthusiast bought a 1929 Ford coupe.
- People who are uncomfortable in crowds shouldn’t go to the movie theater
- ,who has been accepted by several colleges,
- Fine
- Fine.
- , who is an avid antique car enthusiast,
- Fine
This word is an indication that a clause is “non-defining” and needs comma(s).
This word is an indication that a clause is “defining” and no comma is needed
Comma(s) are used to separate “extra information” not vital to the meaning of a sentence, usually the clause contains “which”
True or False
Add commas when needed
The man who had the handle bar mustache pressed Adam for information.
No commas needed
Add commas when needed
Mr. Hoffer whose family lives in Germany will be our guest this weekend.
Mr. Hoffer, whose family lives in Germany, will be our guest this weekend.
Add commas when needed
The explanation that she had given them seemed too horrible to be true.
No commas needed
Add commas when needed
Mr. Johnson whose son attends the University is our friend.
Mr. Johnson, whose son attends the University, is our friend.
Add commas when needed
Thomas Jefferson who was born on the frontier became president.
Thomas Jefferson, who was born on the frontier, became president.
Add commas when needed
A person who loves to read will never be lonely.
No commas needed
Add commas when needed
My father who was a country boy has lived in the city for years.
My father, who was a country boy, has lived in the city for years.
Add commas when needed
The girl by whom i sit in class is an honors student.
No comma needed
Add commas when needed
Jet pilots who are not in excellent physical condition should not be allowed to fly.
No comma needed
Add commas when needed
She is a woman who is respected by everyone.
No commas needed
Add commas when needed
High-risk students who attend extra tutoring sessions had significantly higher grades than students who did not attend
No comma needed
Is the following sentence correct
Non traditional students, who are generally highly motivated, tend to do well on the test.
The information is not needed to understand the sentence and must be blocked off with commas.
Use a comma when directly addressing somebody and put a comma before their name.
True or false
Use a comma when directly addressing someone and Surround the name with commas if able
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Tom can you pass me the pickles?
Tom, can you pass me the pickles?
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Please sit down Mark.
Please sit down, Mark.
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Hey Joe its nice to see you again.
Hey, Joe, its nice to see you again.
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Have you seen Jack lately?
No comma needed.
Not directed at Jack
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Linda is my best friend.
No comma needed
Not directly addressing Linda
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Hey guys you need to quiet down.
Hey, guys, you need to quiet down.
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Goodnight dude.
Goodnight, dude
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
It’s so nice to see you amy.
It’s so nice to see you, Amy.
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
My dad’s name is Barry
No comma needed
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Hey Chad how are you?
Hey, Chad, how are you?
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
Nora should be here any minute
No comma needed
Put in comma(s) when appropriate
It’s good to see you man.
It’s good to see you, man.
What is an appositive
A noun or noun phrase that renames a near by noun.
Alexander Pope, a Restoration poet, is famous for his monologues.
The New York Jets, the underdogs, won the Superbowl.
Are these sentences correctly punctuated
Alexander Pope, a Restoration poet, is famous for his monologues.
The New York Jets, the underdogs, won the Superbowl.
Yes , always surround an appositive with commas
Use a comma after an independent clause or sentence adverb followed by a dependent clause.
True or false
Use a comma after a dependent clause or sentence adverb followed by an independent clause.
Is the comma correct. Why or why not?
The cat scratched at the door, while I was eating.
An independent clause comes first and no comma is needed.
Except in cases of extreme contrast.
Which sentences are correct and why
While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door.
Because her alarm clock was broken, she was late for class.
You ought to see the doctor, if you are ill.
1 & 2 correct.
A comma comes after a dependent clause followed by an independent clause.
3 incorrect
A comma does not follow an independent clause followed by a dependent clause, except in cases of extreme contrast.
Common introductary words should be followed by a comma.
Well, yes, however
True or False
Well, perhaps he meant no harm.
Yes, the package should arrive tomorrow morning.
However, you may not be satisfied with the results.
Place a comma where appropriate and explain why
By the end of the day everyone was exhausted.
Teachers though are underpaid.
The test it seems was too difficult.
By the end of the day, everyone was exhausted.
Teachers ,though, are underpaid.
The test, it seems, was too difficult.
Commas Offset Introductory Phrases
Place a comma where necessary
After eating the dog wanted to go out.
After eating, the dog wanted to go out.
Place a comma when and if necessary & Why
Ralph my best friend eloped with my fiancé.
My best friend Ralph eloped with my fiancé.
The largest fish in the tank a plecostomus is over 10 years old.
Ralph, my best friend, eloped with my fiancé.
My best friend, Ralph, eloped with my fiancé.
The largest fish in the tank, a plecostomus, is over 10 years old
When you rename something it has to be offset by commas.
Use commas if needed and explain why
Our doctor whom we visit often is on vacation.
English 101 which is required for most students is a challenging course.
Our doctor, whom we visit often, is on vacation.
English 101, which is required for most students, is a challenging course.
These are examples of non-restrictive clauses.
Add commas when needed and explain why
He graduated from college with honors and he was hired by IBM immediately after graduation.
She joined the health club but she was not satisfied with the results.
He studied all night for the instructor promised a challenging exam.
He finished in the bottom of his class but still got hired as a doctor.
The girl ate alot of candy and still lost weight
He graduated from college with honors, and he was hired by IBM immediately after graduation.
She joined the health club, but she was not satisfied with the results.
He studied all night, for the instructor promised a challenging
Above is correct because you always put a comma before the conjunction of 2 independiente clauses
He finished in the bottom of his class but still got hired as a doctor
The girl ate alot of candy and still lost weight
No comma is needed because the 2nd clause is dependent
What are FAN BOYS
For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Used to connect 2 independiente clauses with a comma before the conjunction.
Place a comma where necessary and why
People who do their work efficiently make good students.
Televisions that contain the new V-chip will help parents control what their children are watching.
Stories which are difficult to read are seldom popular with students.
No commas are needed they are all examples of Restrictive Clauses
Are commas used correctly in the following sentence?
Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, deals with important philosophical issues.
No, this is not an example of an Appositive for Shakespeare’s Play
Since Shakespeare wrote more than 1 play.
What is the difference between
Big Bubba Smith’s popular song “Stuck in the outhouse again.” is one of my favorite tunes.
Big Bubba Smith’s popular song, “Stuck in the outhouse again”, is one of my favorite tunes.
1st sentence is saying that he has many popular songs and this is restricting the sentence to this one.
2nd sentence is saying he only has 1 popular song and its also called “Stuck in the outhouse again “
What is the difference between these 2 sentences
My sister Meg called me this afternoon.
My sister, Meg, called me this afternoon.
1st sentence is saying that she has multiple sisters and she is Restricting it to Meg
2nd sentence is saying she only had 1 sister Meg
Place commas where necessary
The death of JFK on Friday November 22 1963 is forever in my memory.
The death of JFK on Friday, November 22, 1963, is forever in my memory.
Put commas where / if necessary
July 4 1776 was an important day
The project will begin on 1 June 2018
I was born on Sunday May 12 1968
July 4, 1776, was an important day
The project will begin on 1 June 2018
(No comma needed in this format)
I was born on Sunday, May 12, 1968.
Add commas where necessary
On Friday October 28 at four o’clock we’ll have a small gathering in the office kitchen to celebrate Mark’s birthday.
Please come out on Saturday April 15 2017 to show your support for the marathon runners.
I haven’t seen this much snow since January 2002.
On Friday, October 28, at four o’clock, we’ll have a small gathering in the office kitchen to celebrate Mark’s birthday.
Please come out on Saturday, April 15, 2017, to show your support for the marathon runners.
I haven’t seen this much snow since January 2002 (No comma needed when just month and year)
Place commas where necessary and why
They slept on the evening ferry from Patras Greece to Brindisi Italy and kept from spending money on a hotel.
They slept on the evening ferry from Patras, Greece, to Brindisi, Italy, and kept from spending money on a hotel.
When you list a city and country, a comma must be placed before and after the country.
Place commas if appropriate and why
The commencement speaker at our graduation was Theresa Blandings Esquire.
The commencement speaker at our graduation was Theresa Blandings, Esquire.
A comma will appear between a name and a professional designation
Place a comma if necessary
During 1968 in places like Austin Texas and Chapel Hill North Carolina antiwar rallies and teach-ins were held in protest.
During 1968, in places like Austin, Texas, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina , antiwar rallies and teach-ins were held in protest.
Place commas if necessary & Why
Her gravestone says she lived from April 4 1863 until June 30 1934 but her obituary says she died on July 1 1933
Her gravestone says she lived from April 4, 1863, until June 30, 1934, but her obituary says she died on July 1, 1933
When you write a date in the month-day-year form, commas are placed after the year
Which sentence is correct
Last year the bustling town of Coffeyville, Kansas, received the All-America City Award
With the bustling town of Coffeyville, Kansas finally has a winner of the All-American City Award
A. Listing city/state each are followed by a comma.
B. This is a dependent clause followed by and independent clause.
Where does punctuation belong and Why?
It is going to rain Ben said
he whispered I know a secret
May i have a cookie I asked
“It is going to rain,” Ben said
When qutation comes first, put a comma or (? !) at end of the sentence.
He whispered, “I know a secret.”
Put a comma before a direct quotation
“May i have a cookie?” I asked.
When qutation comes first, put a comma or (? !) at end of the sentence.
Add proper punctuation
It is going to rain warned Ben so make sure to bring an umbrella
“It is going to rain,” warned Ben, “so make sure to bring an umbrella.”
Add proper punctuation
Guillermo said I have no idea where I left the moonstone
They’re probably pirates Roxanne said
The car crash survivor said she lived only because she “was wearing a seatbelt.”
Guillermo said, “I have no idea where I left the moonstone.”
“They’re probably pirates,” Roxanne said.
The car crash survivor said she lived only because she “was wearing a seatbelt.”
Correct because it blends into the sentence
Put quotation marks in the appropriate places.
Eddard Stark is constantly reminding people that winter is coming.
Lord Varys wonders whether weve grown so used to horror we assume there’s no other way
Tyrion Lannister said that a mind needs a book like a sword a whetstone
Eddard Stark is constantly reminding people that “winter is coming.”
Lord Varys wonders whether “we’ve grown so used to horror we assume there’s no other way.”
Tyrion Lannister said that “a mind needs a book like a sword a whetstone.”
When a quotation is introduced by the words: That, Whether, If
There is no need for a comma.
Add punctuation
Master luwin said Bran the children of the forest have been gone for thousands of years
Master luwin said, “Bran, the children of the forest have been gone for thousands of years.”
As a general rule, you should use a comma to introduce quoted material or dialogue.
Put proper punctuation in the following sentences and why?
What the king dreams Ned said the hands build.
Bran, John said Im sorry i didn’t come before
“What the king dreams,” Ned said, “the hands build.”
“Bran,” John said, “Im sorry i didn’t come before.”
Put proper punctuation
Put proper punctuation
It was the third time he had called her boy I am a girl Arya objected
Fat Tom used to call her Arya Underfoot because he said that was where she always was.
It was the third time he had called her “boy.” “I am a girl,” Arya objected.
Fat Tom used to called her “Arya Underfoot” because he said that was where she always was.
Fat Tom used to call her “Arya Underfoot” because he said that was where she always was.
Put proper punctuation
Mr. Sword often speaks one frightening word Dracarys
Tyrion had sage advice for the singer close your eyes and pretend you’re dead.
Mr. Sword often speaks one frightening word: “Dracarys”
Tyrion had sage advice for the singer: “Close your eyes and pretend you’re dead.”
You can use a colon to introduce direct quotation when being introduced by an Independent clause.
What is the difference in these sentences
Ned said, “Bring the direwolf here.”
Ned said that I should “bring the direwolf here.”
Ned had one command: “Bring the direwolf here.”
1st. The quote is syntactically independent from the surrounding text. We use commas in this quotation
2nd. The quote blends into the surrounding text to form a correct sentence.
- The quote is introduced by a complete sentence thus you can use a colon.
What is a participle? Give examples
Form of a verb that functions as an adjective.
The sleeping dog
The running man
The closed store
8 uses of a comma
Seperate 2 independiente clauses with a comma before the conjunction
After introductary clause or word
Between items in a series
Set off nonrestrictive clauses
Set off appositives
Indicate direct adress
Set off direct quotation
Dates, addresses, numbers
Which is correct
We realized we were in love March 16, 1992.
We realized we were in over March 16 1992.
We realized we were in love March, 16, 1992.
1 is correct
Which if any is correct
We began dating on Friday May 1, 1992.
We began dating Friday, May 1, 1992.
We began dating Friday, May, 1 1992.
Which if any is correct
April 15, 1992, marks our twenty-first wedding anniversary.
April 15, 1992 marks our twenty-first wedding anniversary.
Which are correct
- Our wedding in April 1993, was beautiful.
2.our wedding in April 1993 was beautiful.
- Our wedding on April 15, 1993 was beautiful.
- Our wedding on April 15, 1993, was beautiful.
- When the honeymoon ended on May 1, we went home.
- When the honeymoon ended on May 1 we went home.
- Incorrect
- Correct
- Incorrect
- Correct
- Correct
- Incorrect
Which is correct
Please, Sasha come home as soon as you can.
Please, Sasha, come home as soon as you can.
- Use a comma before or surrounding a person directly addressed.
- Your answers are correct, but you did the wrong exercise.
- Your answers are correct but you did the wrong exercise.
- Correct
- Roberto’s wife liked the appliance, and he liked the price.
- Roberto’s wife liked the appliance and he liked the price.
1 correct
Use a comma to separate compound sentences with a conjunction.
- If i dont learn English this semester i will be very unhappy.
- If i don’t learn English this semester, i will be very unhappy.
- Use a comma to set off introductory clauses, phrases, words
- While talking to Jean about her plans, I found out that she is going to Hawaii.
- While talking to Jean about her plans I found out that she is going to Hawaii.
- Use a comma to set off introductory clauses, phases, and words.
Furthermore, i don’t have enough money for the trip.
Furthermore I don’t have enough money for the trip.
- Use a comma to set off words like Yes, No, Well, However, Furthermore at the beginning of a sentence.
- No I haven’t traveled to Mexico.
- No, I haven’t traveled to Mexico.
- Correct
Use a comma to set off words like Yes, No, Well, However, Furthermore at the beginning of a sentence.
- You are, of course, planning to attend the convention.
- You are of course planning to attend the convention.
- Correct
Use a comma to set off non essential information
- Bill please pass me the potatoes.
- Bill, please pass me the potatoes.
- Correct
Use a comma to set off a noun in direct address.
- I’m sorry Mr. Gomez but Dr. Jones isn’t in right now.
- I’m sorry , Mr. Gomez, but Dr. Jones isn’t in right now.
- Correct
Use commas to set off a proper noun in direct address.
- Mrs Lark our English teacher comes from Maine.
- Mrs Lark , our English teacher, comes from Maine.
- Use commas to set off appositives.
Appositives are another way to call something.
- On January 1, 1983 Lincoln drew a girlfriend.
- On January 1, 1983, Lincoln drew a girlfriend.
- Correct
- It was a warm sunny day.
- It was a warm, sunny day.
- Use a comma to separate adjectives whose order can be switched.
- Have you seen the red-headed, freckled-faced girl?
- Have you seen the red-headed freckled-faced girl?
- Use comma to separate adjectives whose order can be switched.
- Mrs. Brown, who liked the book, recommended it to me.
- Mrs. Brown who liked the book recommended it to me.
- Use a comma to set off non necessary information.
- The tiger which was driven mad by hunger killed the sheep.
- The tiger, which was driven mad by hunger, killed the sheep.
- Correct
Use commas to set off non essential information from a sentence.
Is there a comma between State and zip code. Ohio, 47021
When isnt a comma needed in a date?
When inverted: 2 June 1998
Only month and year given
June 2010
Where do we put commas in a date?
On January 1 1888 David O’Brien ate the world’s biggest potato
On January 1, 1888, David O’Brien ate the world’s biggest potato.
Use a comma to set off a tag question ( added at the end of the sentence to imply a yes or no awnser.)
You’re going to study these rules, aren’t you?
Class has been canceled, right?
Move an “introductory word or phrase” to the end of the sentence. If it makes sense that it’s an intro phrase that needs commas
True dat
Put commas if needed
In India cows are sacred animals.
At the end of the day I was completely exhausted.
In India, cows are sacred animals.
At the end of the day, I was completely exhausted.
- Is there a comma after month and year?
Exp. Sometimes around August 1999 my dog had puppies.
- Is there a comma after month and date?
Exp. The date April 15th will never be forgotten
- No
- Yes
“Silent Night” was written by two men from the village of Oberndorf Austria.
- men, from
- “Silent Night,”
- Oberndorf, Austria
- No error
My cousin has moved to 56 Central Street Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882.
- has moved,
- Central Street,
- 56, Central
- No error
There should be a comma between the street address and the city when stating a full address in sentence form.
She left Albany, New York, on January 18 of that year
She left Albany, New York on January 18, of that year
She left Albany, New York, on January 18, of that year.
She left Albany, New York, January 18 of that year
Comma after city and state
Not after Month and date
You may only bring the bare essentials to the exam ie. a watch, a pen, paper, and a calculator.
You may bring only the bare essentials to the exam , ie., a watch, a pen, paper, and a calculator.
You may bring only the bare essentials to the exam ie., a watch, a pen, paper, and a calculator.
You may bring only the bare essentials to the exam, ie., a watch, a pen, paper, and a calculator.
Use commas around “ie.”
Betty did not read the information about commas carefully and earned a low score on the practice quiz.
Is a comma needed?
Why or why not?
The FAN BOYS rules doesn’t apply here because there is Not and Independent Clause after the word “and”
Ms. Benchley said that employees who deserve a workplace free from harassment should report any problems to her.
Commas needed?
Why or why not?
Ms. Benchley said that employees, who deserve a workplace free from harassment, should report any problems to her.
Non Restrictive Clause
Saying all employees should report harassment to her