Comm Exposure Flashcards
Name different types of air monitoring
- Continuous monitoring systems.
- Opacity measurements, which can be measured with an opacity meter or by estimated by certified smoke readers.
- Emissions estimates.
Atmospheric composition
Nitrogen, 78%; Oxygen, 20.9%; Argon, .93%
Collection Efficiency Equation
Efficiency = Mass Removed/Mass Entering X 100
Decon team in same level or one step down as entry team. Must have back up team ready to assist entry team. Decon is several step process that includes removing gross contamination, rinsing and removing the rest of contaminant, removing protection clothing inside out.
Emergency Response Planning
Coordination with local first responders. Provide them with location of hazardous materials, quantities of hazardous materials, properties of hazardous material. Conduct community planning of worst case scenario with affected neighborhoods.
Emergency response guide book. Contains chemical UN number, chemical name, guidance on initial response, and recommended isolation distances for initial hazards.
Evacuation Plans
Clearly defined exit routes. Central rally points away from danger. Accurate head count.
Fire Response
Train personnel to respond to small fires. Fire brigades may be appropriate for some facilities. Environmental hazards should be considered.
First Responder Awareness Level
Trained to initiate incident command system. Recognize hazards, protect self, notify authorities.
First Responder Operations Level
8 hours of training. Provide initial defensive response to incident. Do not get directly involved in controlling the problem. Able to recognize hazards. Able to use defensive PPE. Understands basic decontamination methods.
First Responder Technician Level
24 hours of training. Provides initial response to actively stop a spill applying patches and repairs to equipment. Recognizes hazards. Able to use PPE provided. Understands decontamination methods. Understands role in ICS. Understands basic chemical and toxicology terminology.
General Planning Guidelines
Protect yourself, identify the hazard, secure the scene, obtain additional help/resources, follow through with safe site entry.
Greenhouse Gases
Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (WONCC)
Incident Command System
Incident commander, IC, in charge. Operations, planning, logistics, finance/administration are lateral and report to IC. Safety, information , and press liaison also report to IC.
Incident Commander
At least equal to technician level training. Able to implement employer incident response system. Knows local emergency response plans. Understands risks of working in emergency response gear.