COMM 211 Quiz 1 Flashcards
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
Direct investment in business operations in a foreign country. The acquisition or construction of physical capital by a firm from one (source) country in another (host) country.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
International treaty that committed signatories to lowering barriers to the free flow of goods across national borders and led to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Trend away from distinct national economic units and toward one huge global market.
Globalization of markets
Moving away from an economic system in which national markets are distinct entities, isolated by trade barriers and barriers of distance, time, and culture, and toward a system in which national markets are merging into one global market.
globalization of production
Manufacturing or operations when discussed in relation to global supply chains.
international business
Any firm that engages in international trade or investment.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International institution set up to maintain order in the international monetary system.
international trade
Occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in another country.
Moore’s Law
The power of microprocessor technology doubles and its costs of production fall by half every 18 months.
multinational enterprise (MNE)
A firm that owns business operations in more than one country.
World Bank
International institution set up to promote general economic development in the world’s poorer nations.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Organization that succeeded the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as a result of the successful completion of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations.
Bill S-21
Otherwise known as the Corruption of Foreign Officials Act that received Royal Assent on December 10, 1998. It is Canadian legislation that makes the bribery, or other business corruption “tool” of a foreign official by a Canadian business person, a criminal offence.
civil law
System of law based on a very detailed set of written laws and codes.
Political system that emphasizes collective goals as opposed to individual goals.
command economy
Economic system where the allocation of resources, including determination of what goods and services should be produced, and in what quantity, is planned by the government.
common law
System of law based on tradition, precedent, and custom. When law courts interpret common law, they do so with regard to these characteristics.
communist totalitarianism
Version of collectivism advocating that socialism can only be achieved through a totalitarian dictatorship.
Those who believe socialism can be achieved only through revolution and totalitarian dictatorship.
Document that specifies the conditions under which an exchange is to occur and details the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
contract law
Body of law that governs contract creation and enforcement.
Exclusive legal rights of authors, composers, playwrights, artists, and publishers to publish and dispose of their work as they see fit.
Political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
Removal of government restrictions concerning the conduct of business.
economic risk
Likelihood that events, including economic mismanagement, will cause drastic changes in a country’s business environment that adversely affect the profit and other goals of a particular business enterprise.
first-mover advantages
Advantages accruing to the first to enter a market.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
U.S. law regulating behaviour regarding the conduct of international business in the taking of bribes and other unethical actions.
gross national income (GNI)
Total income of all citizens of a county, including the income from factors of production used abroad. Since 2001, the World Bank has used this measure of economic activity instead of the previously used GNP.
Human Development Index (HDI)
Attempt by the United Nations to assess the impact of a number of factors on the quality of human life in a country.
Emphasis on the importance of guaranteeing individual freedom and self-expression.
Development of new products, processes, organizations, management practices, and strategies.
late-mover disadvantages
Handicap experienced by being a late entrant in a market.
market economy
Economic system wherein the interaction of supply and demand determines the quantity in which goods and services are produced.
mixed economy
Economic system wherein certain sectors are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms, while others have significant government ownership and government planning.
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
International agreement to protect intellectual property; signed by 187 countries.
Grants the inventor of a new product or process exclusive rights to the manufacture, use, or sale of that invention.
political economy
Political, economic, and legal systems of a country.
political risk
Likelihood that political forces will cause drastic changes in a country’s business environment that adversely affect the profit and other goals of a particular business enterprise.
political system
System of government in a nation.
private action
Theft, piracy, blackmail, and the like by private individuals or groups.
Sale of state-owned enterprises to private investors.
product liability
Involves holding a firm and its officers responsible when a product causes injury, death, or damage.
product safety laws
Laws that set certain safety standards to which a product must adhere.
property rights
Bundle of legal rights over the use to which a resource is put and over the use made of any income that may be derived from the resource.
public action
Extortion of income or resources from property holders by public officials, such as politicians and government bureaucrats.
purchasing power parity (PPP)
Adjustment in gross domestic product per capita to reflect differences in the cost of living.
representative democracy
Political system in which citizens periodically elect individuals to represent them in government.
right-wing totalitarianism
Political system in which political power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that generally permits individual economic freedom but restricts individual political freedom, including free speech, often on the grounds that it would lead to the rise of communism.
social democrats
Those committed to achieving socialism by democratic means.
theocratic law
System of law based on religious teachings.
theocratic totalitarianism
Political system in which political power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that governs according to religious principles.
Form of government in which one person or political party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life and opposing political parties are prohibited.