Comlex Level 2 Flashcards
GERD is dx using what?
what are primary ssx of GERD?
- ambulatory 24 hr pH monitoring (Barretts is dx with EGD and biopsy)
- heartburn, regurg, and dysphagia
what should you do next if a pt has refractory GERD or warning signs (dysphagia, odynophagia, or GI bleeding)?
- EGD with biopsy
- if no warning signs, then lifestyle mod followed by H2 blocker or PPI if no response to lifestyle mod
what is the agent of choice to manage GERD during preg?
- sucralfate: surface agent that heals and protects from peptic injury
first line agents for HTN Tx in non-blacks?
- ace inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blocker, calcium channel blocker, or thiazide (ACE or ARBs are preferred in CKD pts with proteinuria)
first line agents for HTN Tx in blacks?
- thiazide diuretic or calcium channel blocker
- IF they have CKD AND proteinuria then use an ACE or ARB (if no proteinuria, then thiazide or ACE or ARB)
can you use ACE (-pril) and ARBs (-sartan) at the same time?
- heck NO! you crazy?
what BP is defined as HTN?
<60 y/o >140/90
>60 y/o >150/90
what is Dermatitis Herpetiformis?
rash associated with Celiacs dz and seen mainly on extensor surfaces
what serologic test will confirm Dermatitis Herpetiformis?
anti-gliadin, anti-transglutiminase, and anti-endomysium antibodies
what is the most common form of scoliosis?
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
in scoliosis, what COBB angle requires bracing in skeletally immature pts (non-adults)?
- <20 is managed with serial observation
- 20-45 degrees is managed with bracing and serial odservation
- > 45 is managed with surgical fusion
what HTN med can cause an acute Gout flare?
- thiazide diuretics as they inhibit the secretion of uric acid (don’t use in Gout pts)
what are the best drugs for sleep onset-insomnia (can’t fall asleep)?
the Z drugs… zolpidem, zaleplon, and triazolam
what drugs are best for sleep maintenance-insomnia (goes to sleep ok but can’t stay asleep)?
benzos as they have a slower rate of elimination (ex: estazolam or flurazepam, etc)
what drugs are best for depression related insomnia?
antidepressant agents with sedative properties such as trazodone (adverse: priapism) or amitriptyline (adverse: anti-cholinergic ssx).
you should never give this to any pt who is known to abuse alcohol…
hypnotic agents like benzos, sleep aids, etc as it leads to CNS depression
what nerve is compromised, and where, in pts suffering with hypoesthesia of the anterolateral leg and foot drop?
the common peroneal (fibular) nerve (L4-S2) at the fibular head
what is the tibial nerve responsible for?
plantar flexion and sensory of the posterior leg
what is the sural nerve responsible for?
sensory of the the postero-lateral leg, lateral foot, and 5th toe… NO motor!!
what is meralgia paresthetica?
hypoesthesia and paresthesias of the lateral thigh due to compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
what nerve innervates hip adductors?
obturator nerve (also does sensory of small circle on medial thigh)
what nerve is responsible for knee jerk reflex?
femoral nerve (innervates quads also does sensory to the medial and middle thigh and the medial lower leg.)
what nerve root is impacted by a L3-4 herniation?
L4 (will have diminished knee jerk reflex)
pt complains on rhinorrhea, congestion for 3 mths and has nasal polyps and takes an old NSAID daily… what does he have?
aspirin-related respiratory disease
what causes aspirin-related respiratory dz?
and how is it treated?
- elevated leukotrienes (not a true allergic rxn)
- avoid aspirin if possible and take a leukotriene receptor antagonist such as montelukast, zileuton, or zafirlukast.
what are the MCC of peptic ulcer dz (gatric and/or duodenal ulcers)?
H. pylori (MC-ly in duodenum) and NSAID use
pt has a gnawing abd pain that sometimes wakes her at night and gets better after she eats… what does she have?
duodenal ulcer
what dz causes gastric acid hypersecretion, peptic ulcers and diarrhea?
Zollinger-Ellison Synd (Gastrinoma)
-dt a pancreatic islet cell tumor (can mets mcc to liver) that secretes high Gastrin
how do you dx Zollinger-Ellison Synd (Gastrinoma)?
Secretin injection test
- secretin should decrease Gastrin but in ZES, the opposite occurs
how do you tx Zollinger-Ellison Synd (Gastrinoma)?
high dose PPI and resection if possible
how is PUD dx?
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy
- if PUD dt H. pylori, follow EGD with Urease breath test or H pylori stool antigen assay after Tx to ensure eradication
how do you Tx an H pylori infection?
- triple therapy (1 ppi for tl of 4 weeks and 2 antibiotics for 2 weeks)
- quad therapy (triple plus Bismuth) if triple therapy fails
pt has pain and tenderness at the radial styloid near the anatomical snuffbo and while grasping the thumb and adducting the hand toward the ulna… what does he have?
DeQuervain’s disease (stenosing tenosynovitis) of the abductor pollicus longus (APL)
- dx with Finkelstein test (grasp thumb and adduct hand)
what is the MC secondary cause of HTN?
- renal artery stenosis (activates RAAS)
- suspect in the young and do NOT give ACE or ARB if bilat stenosis
what does a pt with cyclical hypertension, flushing, HA, sweating and diarrhea have?
- Pheochromocytoma
- tumor of adrenal glands. Dx with metanephrine, vanillymandelic acid or homovanillic acid screens
what does a pt with arthritis, pericarditis, photosensitivity, renal disease, and a malar rash have?
- Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE)
- will be ANA positive and tx with steroids for acute exacerbations and Hydroxychloroquine for long term control (watch for renal toxicity)
what presents like Lupus except NO CNS or renal involvement and has Antihistone antibodies?
- drug induced lupus
what is the best test to order if you suspect HTN dt Renal Artery Stenosis?
- duplex Doppler ultrasonography of the kidneys (can consider CTA or MRA)
what is the most common spinal cord disorder in persons older than 55 years of age?
- Cervical myelopathy: compression of the spinal cord dt spinal stenosis.
- Patients typically describe a heavy feeling in their legs, slow gait, and shooting pains into the arms and legs.