COMLEX Flashcards
What’s the main motion, side bending and rotation of AA?
Main motion: rotation
side bending and rotation: opposite sides
What’s the main motion, side bending and rotation all C2-C4?
Main motion: rotation
side bending and rotation: same sides
What’s the main motion, side bending and rotation of C5-C7?
Made motion: side bending
side bending and rotation: same sides
The spine of the scapula corresponds with?
Inferior angle of the scapula corresponds with the spinous process of?
Sternal notch is level with?
Sternal angle (angle of Louis) attaches to the second ribs at the level with?
The nipple is at the ____ dermatome.
The umbilicus is at the _____ dermatome.
What’s the main motion of the thoracic spine?
What are the typical versus atypical ribs?
Atypical ribs have “1s” and “2s”
Atypical Ribs 1, 2, 11 and 12
What ribs are considered true ribs, false ribs, floating ribs?
True ribs: 1-7
False ribs: 8 to 12
Floating ribs 11–12
What are the different rib motions?
Pump handle motion (rib 1-5)
Bucket handle motion (rib 6-10)
Caliper motion (ribs 11-12)
What’s in inhalation dysfunction/exhalation restriction?
Rib is “held up”/doesn’t move down during exhalation
Elevated rib
Key rib: lowest rib
What’s exhalation dysfunction/inhalation restriction?
Rib is “held down”/doesn’t move up during inhalation
Depressed rib
Kia rib: uppermost rib