Come Flashcards
come about -
How did the accident come about?
suceder, ocurrir
¿Cómo sucedió el accidente?
come across -
Joey came across a very interesting book the other day.
encontrarse con, toparse con
Joey encontró un libro muy interesante el otro día.
come after -
The police are coming after the murderer.
perseguir a alguien, o buscar a alguien generalmente para castigarlo
La policía está buscando al asesino.
come along -
Come along with me, I have something to show you.
How is the patient coming along after the surgery?
(a) acompañar, presentarse, aparecer, apurarse,
(b) progresar
come apart -
When I picked up the small clay statue it came apart!
deshacerse, caerse en pedazos
¡Cuando levanté la pequeña estatua de arcilla se deshizo en pedazos!
come at -
While Jane was walking along the street a dog came at her and bit her.
llegar a, atacar, pensar en algo de una manera en particular
Mentras Jane caminaba por la calle la atacó un perro y la mordió.
come away -
Wait for a minute, a button has just came away from my dress.
I will come away now, I have to get up early tomorrow.
(a) desprenderse,
(b) marcharse
come back - come back to
I couldn’t remember what had happened, but now it’s all coming back.
The teacher wanted to come back to the first unit so we could revise.
(a) regresar, volver, recordar
(b) to - comenzar a hablar de algo nuevamente
come before -
The defendant will come before the court next Monday.
comparecer ante
El acusado comparecerá ante el juzgado el próximo lunes.
come between -
I wouldn’t let Patricia’s gossiping come between us.
arruinar una relación
Yo no dejaría que los chismes de Patricia arruinaran nuestra relación.
come by -
Well paid jobs sometimes are hard to come by.
conseguir, adquirir, visitar, entrar a ver
A veces es difícil conseguir un trabajo bien pago.
come down - on- with
Many people came to see how a famous casino in Las Vegas came down.
The law should come down hard on Thomas. He’s a criminal.
The law should come down hard on Thomas. He’s a criminal.
(a) bajar, caer, aterrizar, derrumbarse, ser derribado
(b) on - castigar o criticar a alguien duramente
(c) with - caer enfermo
come forth - with
The possibility to get a better job came forth her own boss.
Joe came forth with some interesting proposals at the meeting.
(a) aparecer
(b) with - hacer una sugerencia a una oferta, dar a alguien información
come forward -
Carol was so busy that I came forward to help her in whatever I could.
avanzar, ofrecerse, responder
Carol estaba tan atareada que me ofrecí a ayudarla en lo que pudiera.
come in for -
Ellen came in for praise in what she’s done for Rick when he was ill.
criticar o elogiar a alguien por algo que ha hecho
Elogiaron a Ellen por lo que ha hecho por Rick cuando estuvo enfermo.