Broad ligaments of the uterus?
mesosalpynx mesoovarium mesometrium—>with parametric
derivatives of intermediate mesoderm?
intermediate mesoderm –>longitudinal ridge appears along dorsum of embryo=urogential ridge –>cells form urogenital ridge differentiate to form the = nephrogenic cord
Ductus derfferens: blood supply
umbilical A–>artery of ductus definers
Ductus derfferens: innervation
inferior hypogastic nerve plexus
Ductus derfferens: lymph drainage
lumbar lymph nodes
Spermatic cord: pathway
Starts: deep inguinal ring, Lateral to Inferior epigastric vessel Ends: superficial inguinal ring and joins posterior surface of testes
Ductus defferens : blood drainage
Pampiniform plexus Prostatic venous plexus Vesicles venous plexus
Seminal vesicle: location
Paired glands on the posterior surface of the bladder -> joins with Ampulla of ductus defferens to form the ejaculating duct which pierces the seminal collicle of Prostatic part of male urethra Seminal vesicle: role 70% of semen production -> lumen contains a high number of mucosa folds of pseudo stratified columnar epithelial with think tunica musculares ( 2 layers)
Male urinary bladder:
Medio lateral components of inferoposterior surface Ampulla of ductus defferens Seminal vesicle and it’s ejaculatory duct
Prostate : location
-> surrounded entirely by visceral layer of peritoneal fascia = Prostatic sheath * continuous with puboprostatic ligament (ant) and rectovesical septum ( post) - walnut shaped; largest accessory gland of male reproductive system - produces 30% of semen Found around neck of urinary bladder along Prostatic part of male urethra
Prostate: parts
Base Apex Lateral Lobes separated by isthmus Isthmus = composure of proststr/ anterior lobe of prostate Medial lobe
Prostate: surfaces
Anterior: faces public symphysis Posterior: faces rectum Inferolatral: faces levators ani Prostate: characteristics Lobular organ - presence of Transverse muscle fiber -> forms the rhabdosphincter - opening of Prostatic ducts around Prostatic sinus which surrounds the seminal collicle
Prostate : contents of medial lobe
Prostatic utricle Ejaculatory duct
Prostate: formation of isthmus of prostate
Continuation of fibers of internal urethral Sphincter
Prostate: blood supply
Internal Iliac artery - Inferior vesical a - internal pudendal - middle rectal
External female genitalia : attachments of clitoris
External female genitalia : attachments of clitoris
External female genitalia : blood drainage
Internal pudendal being External pudendal being Deep posterior vein of clitoris
External female genitalia : blood supply
Internal pudendal artery terminal branches
External female genitalia : clitoris
Anterior to urethral orifice
- formed the the crura of clitoris which meet mediocranially and fuse to form the body and glans of clitoris
* develops from primordial phallus
-> sensory erectile organ
External female genitalia : connections of labia majora
Anteriorly: anterior labial commisure Posteriorly: posterior labial commisure
External female genitalia : innervation
Pudendal nerve Ilioinguinal nerve Genitofemoral nerve
External female genitalia : labia minora
Bilateral lips that cover the vaginal vestibule
- Anteriorly they bifurcate and continue around the clitoris to form the: prepuce of clitoris & frenulum of clitoris
- Posteriorly they fuse to form: frenulum of labia minora
Thin cutaneous folds that do not contain fat, only large sebaceous glands
External female genitalia : layers of labia majora
External pigmented skin with hair follicles Internally non keratinised epithelium with large sebaceous gkands
External female genitalia: Mons pubis + Labia majora
Mons pubis
-fatty protection padoverthe pubic symphysis forprotection of the female during sexual intercourse Labiamajora
-continuation oftheMons pubis bilaterallythatcovers thebulbödvestibuleandprotects thevaginal vestibule
* bothdevelopfromlabioscrotal swellings of urogenital sinus