Coma & Delirium Flashcards
what are the 2 major components of consciousness?
what is the diff betw Awareness and Arousal?
Awareness = higher cortical functions are intact, language as one of its facets, movements are appropriate & localized
Arousal = reflexes, groaning, flexion-extension, eye-opening
what are the different acutely altered states of consciousness?
what is the general incapacity of a patient to think with customary speed, clarityu and coherence?
what is the misperception of stimuli and vivid hallucinations, agitation, tremulousness?
what is the slow response to stimulation with mild to moderate reduction in alertness?
what is the behavioral unresponsiveness and is arousable only by vigorous stimualtion?
whta is the state of unresponsiveness even to vigorous stimulation
what are the diff subacute/chronic atlerations of consciousness?
akinetic mutism
minimally conscious state
vegetative state
what type of alteration of consciousness involves limited responsiveness to primitive postural or reflexive movement of the limbs?
vegetative state
what type of alteration of consciousness involves “transitional state” during recovery from coma or worsening of a progressive neurologic disease?
minimally conscious state
what type of alteration of consciousness involves condition of silent, alert-appearing immobility wherein sleep-wake cycles have returned?
akinetic mutism
what type of alteration of consciousness involves enduring and often progressive decline in mental processes?
what condition occurs if there is a pontine lesion, every motor function is obliterated, patient is unconscious, and eye movement in the only motor function intact?
Locked-in syndrome
what are the diff aspects of behavior are affected in delirium?
emotion, mood & affect
impulse & activity
social behavior
loss of insight
what are the different classificatio of confusional stateS?
Acute global confusion with psychomotor underactivity
Delirium with motor, mental, or autonomic hyperactivity
psychosis, particularly with manic features
Dementia or other brain disease
What are the causes of acute global confusion w/ psychomotor underactivity?
Metabolic disorders
Infectious illnesses
CHF or pulmonary failure
Postoperative & post-traumatic states
What are the common causes of delirium?
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Medications
- Beclouded dementia = baseline dementia + other medical/surgical problem
- Infection/post-operative states
- Non-convulsive status epilepticus
- Schizophrenia, bipolar psychosis during a medical or surgical illness
What are the signs of meningeal irritation?
Treat the underyling cause of infection
Systemic infection
Meningitis and encephalitis = lumbar puncture
What are the dx tests done in px with focal neurologic signs or seizure?
Overt seizure
Neuroimaging and EEG
In px with delirium, do u still need to do an urgent neuroimaging scan if there is no focal sign on exmination?
No need but if you think your px is high-risk fr a vascular CNS event, then proceed with neuroimaging
How do you classify and diagnose coma?
- Is the coma neurologic or non-neurologic?
- Are there focal, lateralizing signs?