Coma, Brain Death, End-of-life Flashcards


Clinical features of coma

  • sleep-like, unarousable (not alert or awake even after painful stimuli), unresponsive state (unable to communicate or interact).
  • only brain stem reflexes are clinically testable, since cortical function is absent.
  • comatose pts may fully recover, partly improve or progress to brain death.
    • After days to wks, a pt with nonprogressive cortical damage (such as anoxic encephalopathy after cardiac arrest) may transition from coma to the persistent vegetative state.
      • CP of PVS:
        • eyes periodically open or move
        • sleep and wake cycles occur
        • pain responsiveness may return
        • BUT…meaningful interaction remains absent since severe cortical impairment persists.
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Pathogenesis of coma

  • Severe metabolic or systemic conditions that diffusely depress cortical function may cause coma.
  • What can directly impair neuronal function:
    • Hypoxia
    • inadequate cerebral blood flow
    • hypoglycemia
    • drug intoxication or overdose
  • What can indirectly affect cerebral cortex?
    • systemic infection
    • metabolic disturbances
    • hepatic or renal failure .
  • Timely correction of these conditions is critical
  • Various disorders or diseases may produce coma from bilateral lesions in the cerebral hemispheres:
    • ischemic infarction
    • hemorrhage
    • head trauma
    • tumor
    • infection.
  • a solitary, unilateral cerebral lesion does not produce coma unless it adversely affects the opposite hemisphere via brain edema or herniation.
  • Coma may be produced by a brain stem lesion if it disrupts the reticular formation.
    • The tegmental brain stem reticular formation, projecting to thalamic and subcortical nuclei, is important for wakefulness and arousal.
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Examination of the unresponsive patient

  • Serial, repeated observations of the patient may show a progressive loss of neurological function and brain stem reflexes, often indicative of a rostral to caudal deterioration due to edema or inflammation.
    • This limited examination includes:
      • evaluation of motor responses, breathing patterns, pupil size and reactivity, and reflexive ocular movements.
  • asymmetrical neurological signs strongly suggest a structural lesion, such as an ischemic infarction, hemorrhage, or tumor
  • symmetrical abnormalities usually are due to a more diffuse or toxi-metabolic process, such as anoxia.
  • Strictly speaking, motor responses to command or withdrawal to painful stimuli do not occur in coma, since an appropriate, localizing response to a noxious stimulus requires some cortical function.
  • Decorticate posturing is flexion of the upper limbs with extension of the lower limbs, associated with a lesion at the level of the cerebral cortex or hemisphere.
  • Decerebrate posturing is extension of the upper and lower limbs, associated with a lesion at the level of the midbrain (red nucleus).
  • Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a very distinctive pattern of alternating tachypnea and apnea (crescendo-decrescendo respiration).
    • In a comatose patient, this pattern is produced from bilateral cortical involvement due to metabolic encephalopathy, such as renal failure, a unilateral lesion with severe brain edema, or from bilateral structural lesions in cerebral cortex.
    • On occasion, C-S may be seen in noncomatose patients with CHF
    • Elderly, otherwise healthy subjects also may have C-S while they sleep.
  • An increased respiratory rate, or hyperventilation, may be related to anxiety or fear, or may be a reflexive response to pulmonary congestion.
  • Rarely, central neurogenic hyperventilation may result from a lesion or edema in the low midbrain to upper pons.
  • An ataxic respiration pattern consists of variable breaths at an irregular rate from a lesion or edema in the medulla, involving the cardiorespiratory control centers there.
  • The size of the pupils and the pupillary light reflex is important in the examination of the unconscious patient.
    • Often in coma from metabolic causes the pupillary light reflex is preserved despite loss of other brain stem or cranial nerve reflexes.
  • A tectal (dorsal) midbrain lesion selectively involves the parasympathetic fibers, causing large, fixed pupils (unopposed sympathetic fibers).
  • The presence of a larger, “blown,” fixed pupil which is unresponsive consensually or directly to light often is due to compression of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve (CN III) from a swollen temporal lobe (uncal herniation).
    • This is a neurological emergency since progressive edema and herniation of the brain stem is fatal.
  • A pontine lesion selectively involves the sympathetic fibers, causing small, pinpoint pupils (unopposed parasympathetic fibers).
  • Reflexive eye movements are also important to check in every unresponsive patient.
  • In trauma cases, a cervical fracture must first be excluded before the patient’s neck is moved during this part of the examination.
  • reflexive eye movements may be suppressed by vestibulotoxic drugs, such as benzodiazepines, in the absence of a brain stem lesion.
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Types of reflexive ocular movement tests

  • oculoCEPHALIC reflex “doll’s eyes reflex”
    • brain stem mediated reflex (1/2)
    • can be tested in comatose patients
    • The eyes should normally move in the direction opposite to the lateral turn of the head by the examiner.
    • In fully conscious or mildly drowsy patients, functional cerebral cortex can fixate or “command” the eyes into varied positions regardless of how the head is passively moved.
  • oculoVESTIBULAR (cold caloric) reflex
    • brain stem mediated reflex (2/2)
    • can be tested in unconscious patients.
    • Before testing the pt, the examiner must use an otoscope to exclude blockage of the ear canal or a ruptured tympanic membrane.
    • Pt head is then elevated about 30 degrees above horizontal and one ear canal is irrigated with up to 100 cc of ice water.
    • induced convection movement of cooled endolymph creates reduced vestibular activity from that ipsilateral semicircular canal, causing the eyes to normally move slowly toward the cold (irrigated) ear.
    • A conscious patient would have the same response, plus cortically- mediated nystagmus, with the eyes beating toward the opposite, non-irrigated ear.
    • While examining the eyes of comatose patients, it is also helpful to check for the corneal and palpebral reflexes.
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Emergency treatment of the comatose patient

  • “ABC’s” of Airway, Breathing, and Circulation.
  • Immediately rule out hypoglycemia (fingerstick testing device) or empirically give 50% dextrose intravenously.
  • A structural cause of coma, such as a hemorrhage, ischemic infarction, or mass lesion, is more likely in the presence of asymmetrical neurological signs.
    • A comatose trauma pt is suspected to have intracranial bleeding unless it is ruled out.
    • brain CT or MRI scan while basic resuscitative measures are carried out.
    • Tx of brain edema + surgical removal of the hematoma may be needed.
  • General measures to reduce increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in comatose patients include mechanical hyperventilation and osmotic diuretics like mannitol.
    • With hyperventilation, intracranial blood volume is reduced since hypocarbia causes arterial vasoconstriction.
    • Cerebral water vol. is reduced by the effect of osmotic diuretics on the intact BBB in nml brain tissue.
    • IV corticosteroids (dexamethasone) can counteract the edema produced by a cerebral tumor, abscess or encephalitis
      • Brain edema from ischemic infarction or hemorrhage is unaffected by corticosteroids, but these pts may survive after decompressive craniectomy or hematoma removal.
  • Toximetabolic (symmetrical neurological signs)
    • pts should be evaluated for electrolyte abnormalities, hypothermia, hepatic or renal failure, CO poisoning, or drug intoxication/OD.
    • While waiting for the results of urine or serum drug screens, narcotic or benzodiazepine antagonists could be given
  • Coma can be also caused by SAH or meningoencephalitis
    • brain CT or MRI scan and lumbar puncture would be indicated
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Significance and pathology of brain death

  • In brain death there is irreversible loss of function for both cerebrum and brain stem, leading to the inevitable failure of other vital organs (*heart)
  • Brain death=death of the entire body, can be diagnosed while the heart is still beating.
  • Brain death may be the consequence of hemorrhage from trauma, uncontrolled HTN, or a ruptured berry aneurysm.
    • Other causes: large or multiple ischemic infarctions, meningoencephalitis, and anoxia from cardiac arrest.
    • Extensive areas of the brain become ischemic with shifting or herniation of vital areas due to edema.
  • In cerebral anoxia (after cardiac arrest) gross brain is fragile and easily disintegrates when removed at autopsy.
  • Evidence of herniation caused by edema may be found at the temporal lobes and foramen magnum.
  • Necrosis is most severe in the cerebral cortex and cerebellar folia.
  • Characteristic ischemic “red neurons” in the cerebral cortex
    • appear eosinophilic and shrunken
  • in the cerebellum Purkinje cells are ischemic or absent.
  • Ischemic infarction or hemorrhage may be seen in other areas of the brain.
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Diagnosis of brain death

  • In order to declare brain death, the apparent cause should be known and must be of sufficient severity to account for the irreversible coma.
  • In brain death, there is no neurological improvement despite adequate treatment of any reversible causes of coma, such as drug intoxication, circulatory shock, or hypothermia (core temperature below 32C).
  • Severe metabolic or endocrine abnormalities should be corrected and the effect of anesthetics and neuromuscular blocking drugs should be allowed to dissipate if coma occurs in the postoperative period.
  • When the etiology of coma is known and no reversible causes require treatment, the generally accepted observation period is 6 hours; an “absolute” time period has not been established.
    • The brains of infants or children tend to withstand anoxia better than the adult brain, and occasionally undergo remarkable recovery.
      • 7 d-2 mo (48 hrs)
      • 2 mo-1 yr (24 hrs)
      • >1 yr old (12-24 hrs).
  • The bedside neurological examination should not show any hint or suggestion of cerebral function in a comatose patient unresponsive to painful stimuli.
    • Thus, there should be no decorticate or decerebrate posturing, seizures, swallowing, yawning, or vocalizations.
    • some spinal cord mediated movements may still persist (muscle stretch reflexes or the Babinski sign).
  • All CN or brain stem reflexes must be absent without any spontaneous respirations.
  • Apnea can be verified by specific testing methods (if pt remains hemodynamically stable).
    • The ventilated pt is given 100% oxygen for 10 mins to create an oxygen reserve in the lungs
    • baseline arterial blood gas is tested.
    • ventilator discontinued while 100% oxygen is still supplied through the tubing.
    • If the ensuing hypercarbia induces respiratory movements, apnea is ruled out.
    • If no respiratory movements occur after 10 mins, another arterial blood gas is tested.
    • Apnea is confirmed if no breathing is observed despite reaching a pCO2 of 60 mm Hg or greater (or perhaps a pCO2 20 mm Hg above baseline value).
    • The mechanical ventilator is restarted at the end of the test
  • Confirmatory tests of brain death are not required, but are used in setting of severe facial and ocular trauma or edema.
    • Confirmatory testing should also be done in comatose children <1 yr
    • A “flat line” or isoelectric EEG after 30 min of recording with a special protocol was the “classical” way of confirming the clinical diagnosis of brain death
    • Another “classical” confirmatory test of brain death: cerebral angiography
      • helpful in comatose patients with absent cerebral responsiveness and brain stem reflexes, but no clearly discernible cause of brain death.
    • A radioisotope brain scan is often the currently preferred confirmatory test also demonstrates absence of cerebral blood flow over a 10 min pd, (it can be performed at the bedside instead of the angiography suite)
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Coma prognosis

  • Cortical function can return fully
    • if coma is from a reversible cause, treated in time
  • Cortical function can return minimally
    • days to weeks after cerebral anoxia, the patient may periodically appear awake, with roving eyes and pain-responsiveness, but no meaningful interaction (persistent vegetative state)
  • Coma may deteriorate to brain death
    • from progressive edema & neuronal death due to head trauma, tumor, hemorrhage, ischemia or infection
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Wakefulness and arousal


Depends on the ascending reticular activating system

(ARAS): tegmental pons -> midbrain -> thalamic intralaminar nuclei/basal forebrain -> cerebral cortex

(especially frontal & limbic system)

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