COM1005 COM2007 Machines and Intelligence (ACADEMIC YEAR 2016~17) Flashcards
Why write programmes?
Make ideas concrete, evaluate ideas, comparative against alternatives, results can be reproduced.
Solving the general problem
State space
All legal problem states (a graph).
Connect states to each other.
Expand function
Takes a state and returns all reachable states in 1 move.
Express legal moves.
Combinatorial explosion
Search tree grows rapidly with increasing depth.
Calculating # of nodes
Branching factor * depth.
Solution to many nodes to search pt1
Stop search before resource run out. Quality v. ease of finding solution.
Solution to many nodes to search pt2
Do not include illegal moves in state space. More knowledge.
Open nodes
Nodes awaiting development.
Closed nodes
Nodes already developed.
Does DFS have a solution?
Guaranteed but not admissible.
If it never overestimates the cost of reaching the goal.
How does Depth-bounds search work?
Search completely to n. No solution, increase n.
Beam search?
Expands from best (somehow ranked) nodes
Branch and bound search?
Move has variable cost e.g map traversal. Min cost.
Is Branch and Bound Search admissible?
Goal node from open must be min cost from start.
Is Branch and Bound Search efficient?
No, it’s undirected. Explores useless routes not on solution path.
Best first search
Nodes with smallest estRemCost. Closest to the goal.
Best first search admissible?
Not admissible as bad estimates will ruin.
A* algorithm
Mix between best first and branch and bound. Global cost + estRemCost.
A* admissible?
Yes if estimates are all underestimates.
Dynamic time warping
Spectrogram, energy through time and frequency for spoken words.
Best scenario for DTW?
Small words and isolated speakers.
Game tree?
Resulting exploration of state-space.
Terminal nodes of game tree?
Final game state achieved e.g a win, draw, loss.
Creating new knowledge from old.
Do facts have antecedents?
Forward chaining from initial facts?
Generate facts from “stereotype” information.