COM Law Exam 3 Flashcards
Commercial Speech
Advertising does not get 1st Amendment protection
Commercial Speech Doctrine
Commercial Speech Doctrine
pure commercial transaction
Valentine v Christensen
Why is advertising 2nd class speech?
It can be regulated
Tobacco ads highly regulated since 1971
Regulates competition between companies’ advertisements
Federal Trade Commission
Established 1st Amendment protection for advertising
Bigelow v Virginia
Could not advertise price of meds to cut out business aspect of pharmacy
pure commercial transaction
Virginia Board of Pharmacy
Central Hudson Test
Used to determine when commercial speech could be regulated under the 1st Amendment
1. Is this product legal?
2. Government interest?
3. Does regulation work?
4. Narrowly drawn?
does this claim affect the purchasing?
20-25% being fooled
Material Claim
takes care of 90% of complaints
Consent Degree
takes care of the other 10% (mostly)
fine of $10,000 a day if ignored
Cease and Desist
mandatory court order
if disobeyed, jail time will be enforced
an activity that doesn’t make a claim, thus can’t be misleading
FTCC will look at a campaign and see if it looks ok, but it’s not binding
Advisory Opinion
give a complete copy of the entire campaign to FTCC and if they say ok, it’s binding but you cannot change anything about the campaign if you go ahead with it
Binding Opinion